World Cup Winners??


On Probation!!
Who is going to win?

I really don`t watch football but I decided to see all the big names play over the last few weeks and to be honest France and Italy were bloody useless..........

So why are they both in the World Cup Final:confused:
Do they need to have a serious re-think of the whole competition:out

I give up, I have tried to enjoy the game but give me rugby anyday.

Neither team has played at their best infact no team has (won't even start on England).

Out of the two teams I reckon France has a stronger squad, should be a good close game but France will win.

Shame cos I bloody hate the French :D
I think Italy will win. Their team ain't brilliant but its not about the team its how its put together. Italian manager is better than Sven. Frankly a $100 computer program could have picked a better team than Sven did. Its not difficult picking the highest paid players in the premiership and a 16 year old mascot to add some talking points.

Good f*kkin riddence. Waste of $50million:wall Another rant over.

Good luck Italy:)
Many of those Italians will go back to their clubs to find out they're relegated 1-2 divisions because of the corruption in the Serie A. But I'd still rather have Italy win than France.
damian said:
Many of those Italians will go back to their clubs to find out they're relegated 1-2 divisions because of the corruption in the Serie A. But I'd still rather have Italy win than France.

indeed ! :out

but based on the semi final game which was awesome, now that shuld have been the final.. never has an almost 0-0 been so thrilling !!! been waiting a month for a game that good !!! was worth the entire tournament in 1 :)

England in 2018, our next and only hope.... (no chance in South Africa in 2010, or in Brazil in 2014, so hopefully as the hosts in 2018........ hopefully Walcot would have actually got a game in the premiership by then !!)
This world cup has been about defence.
Unfortunately this has not made for the most excitement.

After the group stage, the pressure to not lose has made for less adventurous football.

Still, the French lost, and Mitterand was watching - so that makes it all worth while.
What is it with French footballers? Cantona and Zidane :out.......really puts the other French talent into the shade.