Who cooks? and what do you cook?


Ring Warrior
Do we have any budding Gordon Ramsay's amongst us?

Who does most of the cooking in your homes?

I do most of the cooking...

I'll cook anything but it must follow these key points

Good Quality Fresh meat (lean)
Fresh veg

I normally cook fish, fillet steak and Chicken...cooked with either stir fry, or if it has to be quick i sometimes use Lloyd Grossmans sauces..

Carbs are normally rice, or new potatoes...

Max has eaten my food she can vouch for it..
During the week my wife does the cooking because when I come home from work I take over with the kids, bath, bedtime story etc.

Weekends I tend to do the cooking and with this weather the odd bbq or two.

Everything is freshly cooked, we don't do processed food in our house or microwave meals. Even Noahs baby food is fresh veg, chicken etc pre-cooked, blended and frozen ready for the week.

Being a bit of a gym freak I like only clean healthy food, high protein, low carbs and low fat with the odd chines takeaway now and then for good behaviour.
I do absolutely jack shit. The wife cooks and because I am an exercise freak I insist we eat by 7.30pm so I can digest and get on the treadmill and play footy. She doesn't understand my obsession with healthy food and low carbs, high protein but just accepts it now. She's good to me as when I get home I get to spend time with my daughter, read her a book and put her to bed and then spend some time with my son. I get away with blue murder to be honest.
anissut said:
I do absolutely jack shit. The wife cooks and because I am an exercise freak I insist we eat by 7.30pm so I can digest and get on the treadmill and play footy. She doesn't understand my obsession with healthy food and low carbs, high protein but just accepts it now. She's good to me as when I get home I get to spend time with my daughter, read her a book and put her to bed and then spend some time with my son. I get away with blue murder to be honest.
I'm over weight and it doesn't help cooking the food myself....

I think it would be better if I told someone what I SHOULD eat and how MUCH then I think I would loose some weight, because I don't really eat that much or the wrong type of stuff....I'm problem just over doing it on the intake somewhere hence my weight...
To reduce weight you need to exercise which goes without saying but you should eat every three hours this boosts your metabolism. Also always eat breakfast as this kick starts the body first thing.
Chris, sounds like the portions you eat are the problem rather than what you eat. As Skitt says if you eat more regularly in the day you won't find the need to eat too much for dinner. And yes, exercise will always help, even a brisk walk in the evening which is nice this time of year. I only ever eat carbs for dinner if I know I am exercising later on, so I burn them off.
anissut said:
Chris, sounds like the portions you eat are the problem rather than what you eat. As Skitt says if you eat more regularly in the day you won't find the need to eat too much for dinner. And yes, exercise will always help, even a brisk walk in the evening which is nice this time of year. I only ever eat carbs for dinner if I know I am exercising later on, so I burn them off.

Good point there about the carbs. I rotate mine so does of no gym I eat high protein and days of working out I eat balance the carbs and the protein out.

Can be a pain in the arse when you first start doing this as you have to write everything down so you know what your intakes are. Also watch your calories as these are the love handle makers
Sundeep said:
the wife of course ;)

The house-husband of course ;)

To be honest, I get away with murder too and very rarely cook.. He's going on holiday soon, I will starve! :evil:
skitt said:
Good point there about the carbs. I rotate mine so does of no gym I eat high protein and days of working out I eat balance the carbs and the protein out.

Can be a pain in the arse when you first start doing this as you have to write everything down so you know what your intakes are. Also watch your calories as these are the love handle makers
The only rotation with carbs I do is Spaghetti ...:)

I think you are right though guys....I'll give half my food to the dog instead...save on dog food that way too...
I do most of the cooking in our house

I proved to Jane the other night I could cook a meal from scratch quicker than she could nuke a weight watchers meal

I had pan fried Seabass on a linguini base with blitzed olive oil and corriander stired through it and a rocket salad with dried chilli flakes.

It was close as the linguini took 6 mins

InsBro said:
pan fried Seabass on a linguini base with blitzed olive oil and corriander stired through it and a rocket salad with dried chilli flakes.

Damn that sounds nice. :yum:

Can you move in my place :confused: :D