Whilton Mill Wednesday Practice Days


Boy Racer
We will be attending the popular Whilton Mill circuit on the following Wednesday dates;

13th August

17th September

22nd October

26th November

We can provide all the equipment required for a good days fun, no licence required :tu
13th August would be good for me.

Could you provide Karts for my two boys, 11 & 13 ?

Yes, that will be no problem Ken.

We would use junior engines with the option of fitting mini max restrictors if needed depending on their level of experience. :)
Yes, that will be no problem Ken.

We would use junior engines with the option of fitting mini max restrictors if needed depending on their level of experience. :)

What would be the cost for them to share a Kart, probably with the restrictor and a Kart for me for the day ?
What would be the cost for them to share a Kart, probably with the restrictor and a Kart for me for the day ?

£550 all in and we would dedicate one of my sons to spend the whole day with your 2 boys helping them on general karting instruction and driving technique, he can also lead them around the circuit to show them the correct lines safely to ensure that they both have a good day.
£550 all in and we would dedicate one of my sons to spend the whole day with your 2 boys helping them on general karting instruction and driving technique, he can also lead them around the circuit to show them the correct lines safely to ensure that they both have a good day.

That's great, assuming you can supply the gear, helmets etc that's a deal.

I'll also commit to the race.
That's great, assuming you can supply the gear, helmets etc that's a deal.

I'll also commit to the race.

Apologies or the delay in responding Ken, but I've been asking around regarding the helmets and race suits for the boys, can you let me have their sizes so that I can make sure we have some suitable gear available for you on the day :)
We will be attending the practice day at Whilton Mill next Wednesday 13th August so if any of you guys are planning to come along could you please confirm your requirements so that we can prepare all the karts accordingly :tu
We currently have Ken and his two boys and Roger with a friend coming along on Wednesday plus my two boys will be there helping with racing lines and driving technique for anyone who wants a bit of help :)