When are UK citizens going to tell government they can stuff it ????

I've been reading about the latest Health service escapade on out of hours patient care/support this morning. Can't we get anything right? I mean who would work all night for £10? no wonder all the Doctors opted out!


We found that preparations for the new service were shambolic, both at the national and local level. The Department took part in the negotiation of the new General Medical Services contract only as an observer, and only the doctors did well out of the deal on out-of-hours costs. The Department also failed to explain whether the service should be for urgent care or all unscheduled health needs.

The new service is undoubtedly now starting to improve. But actual performance against the key access targets is still not good enough. The percentage of providers meeting the requirements for call answering, definitive clinical assessment and consultation times is extremely low. For example only 2% could report that they complied with one standard. Some providers were simply unable to report at all. The cost of the new out-of-hours service has also been some £70 million a year higher than foreseen.
The only thing we can do is vote Labour out at the next election.

But..... generally we are a nation of 2 types of people.

1 - Those who work for the Govt.
2 - Those who claim benefits from the Govt.

These people will never vote out the Govt. that are lining their pockets. Therefore I see no way that we can get rid of this shambles in the near future :(
things have gone way too far, as said already the only people who want to & benefit from living in this country are uneployed:wall
Warning - rant start up imminent: <<<<After reading another load of crap on carbon allowances this morning, for the first time I was considering moving abroad. WTF is happening to this country? All this trendy shite about the environment is really getting up my nose.

Q - Who was sitting on the plane two rows up when I last flew to South Africa? Cameron
Q - Who then went to India via BA to open a JCB factory 2 wks later ? Cameron

Guess he does not count!

No matter which party they are, they are full of shite.

Ask yourselves this, did they say in the last ice age, "Oh my god the ozone layer is to thick", better burn some more wood. This is just a normal planet cycle which we will not influence. Nor, by us reducing this that an the other, will countries such as China and India follow our lead.

My first suggestion is stop bloody invading countries and driving tanks/ aircraft etc all over the place and that will help on the fecking carbon footprint">>>> Rant over:wall

Off to lay in a cool dark room for the afternoon:(
I've been saying all this for years.. When police cant even attened a knife attack.. but turn out in droves to do random traffic checks. when the health service in two different areas has a waiting list of 16 days or 36 months for the same operation.. (by moving over one post code).. when the governments says no increase in taxes, and i watch my council tax go up from 600 pounds to 2200 pounds in 7 years... i've had enough.. i am just now working as hard as i can to get out of this country.

And whats worse is i can't even be annoyed about it any more... probably the story for many people.. else we'd all be fighting to change it .
I've been trying to steer my business into work that I can do remotely for some time now, with the intention of bugging out. I'm still not settled on exactly where, but hopefully within the next two years.

I wonder how long we've got before the rest of the world catch up in the nanny stakes and there's nowhere left to go?
I'm 100% sure I don't want to stay in the UK....

I'm currently working on Remote working and then whittling down locations to re-locate to...
Gap in France is top of my list at the moment, followed by Norway (Bergen). Taxes are high in both places though and I know France isn't particularly friendly for the self-employed. Switzerland is another favourite, though I've done no research into that at all.
I've given up on politics, which is a big shame. I did a politics related degree at uni, so should be really into what is happening, but they're all just a bunch of w*nkers imo. Power hungry and couldn't give a monkies about what the public think. The recent 2million petition against road pricing proves this.

Main issue is the British are fundamentally lazy when it comes to objecting. So even if there was a march organised, I doubt many would turn up. Fox hunting and Iraq war marches were well turned out and the government ignored. What else can we do?

I'm gonna f*ck off to America in a few years. My brother moved out 8 years ago and he's very happy over there.

America might be no better, but the girls love the English accent so it'll be a lot of fun :evil:
This country is a big poo......taxes all over the place !

Council tax is a rip off....so on......

My mum and dad has a villa in Spain....now full of Brits, trying to escape UK nowdays...

Getting worse....

Canada is place where I want to live.....I could EASILY afford a mansion with THOUSANDS of acres there, for the SAME price of a poxy house I own in Aylesbury !!

Rant over....:(
This politics thing really worries me,

someone needs to birth a new party, to stand for all the values that this thread espouses,

and then get elected on a platform of total honesty.
As much as I would love to see it, unfortunately (and ironically, given the recent thread) the world, and specifically politics, is far too Machiavelian for honesty to be successful.
I think I heard that there were 28m taxpayers. The population is about 65m, although that's only the people they can be arsed to count.

So that means there are 37m who don't pay tax. Some will be children, although I don't know how much longer they will exempt under Brown.
Also some pensioners pay tax, since if you've planned at all you'll be on more than survival rations.

Either way it means there are least as many voters who don't pay tax as pay it.
So for them, taxes are irrelevant generally. Since most probably don't care about flying or any other transport since they can't afford it, can't fill in the forms, or just steal something when they want to travel, they won't be bothered by the green taxes either.

As the government has been hell bent on getting as many people as possible onto benefits (the opposite of the rest of the world) and into benefit dependency, then they are not going to upset the apple cart.

I have thought about it carefully, and I am afraid demographics is against normal working people who want to have some money. Therefore democracy will not save us, unless we limit voting to those that have something to contribute.

This means recourse to direct action, which was the route of choice when labour were in opposition. Except they have now strengthened powers against this.

Which brings me round to where I started, a coup is the only way.
Revolution is not really suitable, as it tends to involve the rif raf getting ideas.