What a nightmare in London yesterday...


Odin, Father of the North
Not only was it as hot as an apple pop tart nuked at full power...

I go to Waterloo...took a taxi...fcuk the tube...too hot...

Missed my 17:35 train....pants...:wall

Got on the 18:05, and I got a seat...:)

Only problem train not moving...Fire on the track down the line...all trains going into and out of Waterloo stuck...:wall ..no update on when it's going to be put out...

Get off train, back on the Bakerloo line up to Paddington...

Catch the 19:21 train to Reading...

Get there 20:15...

Break out the Bacardi and Coke with my mate...

Catch the 20:45 virgin train to Bournemouth, gets in at 10:45..:wall

Wife picks me up at station....walk in the door at 23:00....:wall

ARSE! get the delay repay form out mate and start claiming. its your job to recover as much money as you possibly can from them barstewards.. !!! :wall :wall

I got on the 17:55 from Waterloo and it went about 1/2 mile before stopping for over an hour, due the 'fire'. Fortunately my train was not too full and had great a/c working so it wasn't too bad, unlike some other trains parked next to us, in which the passengers were obviously both jammed and enjoying a sauna-like experience.

The trip to Woking took 1 hr 45mins instead of the usual 25mins or so.

To top it off, this morning the partial strike on SWT took effect and the managers were driving the trains so it was slow and chaotic this morning as well (and will be Thurs as well).

Oh well, I've managed 14 years on the trains so far, after a while you'll get used to it!

To top it off it pissed with rain all morning here.. Not much but just enough to get me totally soaked to the skin... then as i walked in the office.. the sun came out.. GRRRR :wall
Nat_H said:
The nad cooler of choice by Lambo drivers.... :finger


Fromage Frais appears to have better cooling properties actually.

Petit Filous are the rolls-royce of fromage frais too
Mosi said:
Fromage Frais appears to have better cooling properties actually.

Petit Filous are the rolls-royce of fromage frais too

How about a fruit smothie... with all that fruity goodness. :rolleyes: