What a fart....


Odin, Father of the North
Very crude I know,

But my mother in law is staying over, I was sat between Judi and her mum....felt a ripper coming so dropped the dude....but then a cold sweat came over me...I'd done a ripper in front of the MIL....:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

Silence hit the room...
but nothing was said....so I think I got away with it....
That's just the tension finding itself a way out :D
Had any beans/onions/jalapeno peppers or so for dinner by any chance ? :evil:
Andre said:
That's just the tension finding itself a way out :D
Had any beans/onions/jalapeno peppers or so for dinner by any chance ? :evil:
Funny you should say that....I cooked Fajitas tonight iwth Jalapeno's .....

Was really embarasing....I had to laugh it off
It was sooooo loud.....I think it's cos I sunk a bottle of wine...that made me push the bugger out....
The silent but violent ones are best. Guaranteed to empty the room in 2 secs, and you can pass the blame too :p
Try setting it alight next time, although the smell of burnt hair might be worse than the actual fart-smell it replaces.. :evil: :D:evil: :D