Ways to stop smoking.......


Right - the time has come where I need to stop smoking - a baby on the way is the best reason for sure - and I've promised my good wife that I'll stop by the end of June.

Now - what method did you use ?
Cold turkey, patches, nicorette gum, take up some other class A ;) ..... ?

I need suggestions - and quick :eek:
Simon, as you are now double posting on here and on S9's, here is the S9 answer I just left for you .....

Gastro, the birth of your first child should be enough motivation to give up the evil ciggies!

Do you want your kid to smell of ciggy's after you've had one then handled him/her ? - cos they will.

Do you want to breathe over your kiddy with stinking stale ciggy breath - because as a smoker, your breath will stink (I can smell it a mile off on smokers).

Do you want your child to inhale your ciggy smoke ? - because somewhere along the lines its inevitable that it will.

When you find your kiddy chewing on one of your ciggy dimps you will be horrified - and believe me, he/she WILL find one sooner or later and try and eat it (they get in bins and everything...the little critters)

I'm so glad I have never smoked, its friggin disgusting (and a little working class these days if I may say so)

Good luck :)
Mosi said:
Simon, as you are now double posting on here and on S9's, here is the S9 answer I just left for you .....

Gastro, the birth of your first child should be enough motivation to give up the evil ciggies!

Do you want your kid to smell of ciggy's after you've had one then handled him/her ? - cos they will.

Do you want to breathe over your kiddy with stinking stale ciggy breath - because as a smoker, your breath will stink (I can smell it a mile off on smokers).

Do you want your child to inhale your ciggy smoke ? - because somewhere along the lines its inevitable that it will.

When you find your kiddy chewing on one of your ciggy dimps you will be horrified - and believe me, he/she WILL find one sooner or later and try and eat it (they get in bins and everything...the little critters)

I'm so glad I have never smoked, its friggin disgusting (and a little working class these days if I may say so)

Good luck :)

Steve - thanks for the response - in typical Mosi style ;):D.

Only double posting since last week I appeared to be getting more response there than over here......... :confused: I wonder why ;)

Touche !
Gastro said:
Steve - thanks for the response - in typical Mosi style ;):D.

Only double posting since last week I appeared to be getting more response there than over here......... :confused: I wonder why ;)

Touche !

No problem Simon, I tell it like it is :finger

And as far as non response on here is concerned, I for one have been on the lash Oop Norf so I havent been around to enjoy your posts mate :p

Now pack up smoking today - just do it...stop faffing :)

I gave up cigarettes on New Years Eve and it's the best thing I ever did (well, one of them anyway). My advice is to forget all that gums and patches malarky and just go cold turkey. What you need to do though is prepare yourself for it - don't just give up on a whim because it will not last. I built up a month of self hate of the fact I smoked and then gave up on the day I had set my sights on.

The first day is the hardest and after 2 weeks you should be pretty much done although you WILL still have pangs to smoke after the first month. One of the worst things is giving up on the triggers to make you smoke - like if you like to smoke while you drink you'll have a drink in your hand and then think you should be smoking.

Thankfully, I have not smoked for so long that I no longer can inhale (I tried a ciggie about 1 month ago and just coughed)

Its gotta be cold turkey mate, otherwise its not 100% commitment.. IMHO. Ive never smoked, but my dad gave up a few years back at the ripe old age of 63..!

I pretty much agree with Mosi, although I would have phrased it a lot better :D ...and think of the money. Put the £4 (or whatever it is now) in a jar every day, and watch your GT3 grow :p
jcremonini said:

I gave up cigarettes on New Years Eve and it's the best thing I ever did (well, one of them anyway). My advice is to forget all that gums and patches malarky and just go cold turkey. What you need to do though is prepare yourself for it - don't just give up on a whim because it will not last. I built up a month of self hate of the fact I smoked and then gave up on the day I had set my sights on.

The first day is the hardest and after 2 weeks you should be pretty much done although you WILL still have pangs to smoke after the first month. One of the worst things is giving up on the triggers to make you smoke - like if you like to smoke while you drink you'll have a drink in your hand and then think you should be smoking.

Thankfully, I have not smoked for so long that I no longer can inhale (I tried a ciggie about 1 month ago and just coughed)


Cheers James - I think I'll cold turkey TBH as you describe. Think it will need to be around a weekend, or else I may be likely to kill someone on the first day :D
Maxine said:
Its gotta be cold turkey mate, otherwise its not 100% commitment.. IMHO. Ive never smoked, but my dad gave up a few years back at the ripe old age of 63..!

I pretty much agree with Mosi, although I would have phrased it a lot better :D ...and think of the money. Put the £4 (or whatever it is now) in a jar every day, and watch your GT3 grow :p

£5.20 odd :eek:
There's a very good book that quite a few of my friends have read and it helped them to give up smoking . It's by Allen Carr.. And is titled "how to give up smoking" or something. The guy's got a phenomenal success rate. And when you're struggling or have gone back, you just read the book again, and apparently its even more successfull the second time.. But it only works if you actually read it.

See it HERE
A couple of my mates (who were 20-30 a day smokers) both swear by the Allen Carr book. They gave up for good off the back of reading it.
My mate tried everything. Finally he went for a hypnotherapy session and that was it, not smoked since. Perhaps try that. It was about £170 I think. Good luck mate, go for it asap!

There's also aversion therapy which works very well. But its hard to find a practiioner.
I am in my sixth month now feel much better but you will put weight on about a stone

what is working for me is that i just wanted to stop i was sick of waking up all catared up

it is very hard for the first month but it gets a bit easier as time goes but i think you always are a ex smoker

It will be even harder with a little one on the way


Very good luck to and do as i did get all the cigs you have in the house and car and smoke them and once they have finished then that is it
Mosi said:
Simon, as you are now double posting on here and on S9's, here is the S9 answer I just left for you .....

Gastro, the birth of your first child should be enough motivation to give up the evil ciggies!

Do you want your kid to smell of ciggy's after you've had one then handled him/her ? - cos they will.

Do you want to breathe over your kiddy with stinking stale ciggy breath - because as a smoker, your breath will stink (I can smell it a mile off on smokers).

Do you want your child to inhale your ciggy smoke ? - because somewhere along the lines its inevitable that it will.

When you find your kiddy chewing on one of your ciggy dimps you will be horrified - and believe me, he/she WILL find one sooner or later and try and eat it (they get in bins and everything...the little critters)

I'm so glad I have never smoked, its friggin disgusting (and a little working class these days if I may say so)

Good luck :)

Mosi is right on the money i'm afraid mate.........

They always say the truth hurts:)

I personally find it astonashing that ANYONE with any medical qualifications, smokes:out

You know the risks more than anyone !!!

STOP IT NOW !!!!!!!
Gastro, did you see the movie Dodgeball??? If so you know what to do!!!!

Hook youself up to the mains! Works every time!!!
Ok OK thanks for the comments and knowledge from the Oracles :D Much appreciated - all I need to do is set a date :scared: