UK New car sales - Brexit, diesel taking its toll?

By historical standards, new car registrations are still at pretty high levels. The steep fall in March might be a glitch. However, the overall trend cannot be ignored - and that is what the industry will be worried about.

Mike Hawes, SMMT chief executive, said: "March's decline is not unexpected, given the huge surge in registrations in the same month last year.
"Despite this, the market itself is relatively high with the underlying factors in terms of consumer choice, finance availability and cost of ownership all highly competitive.
"Consumer and business confidence, however, has taken a knock in recent months and a thriving new car market is essential to the overall health of our economy.
I just don't get the knee jerk towards petrol. Visit a dealers and most of the stock on the floor is nearly all petrol suddenly. The C02 is higher due to simple consumption on a petrol its only the NoX that's worse on a diesel. Whilst NOX is more harmful in E6 vehicles it is vastly reduced.

I would not even look at a petrol for my business use as it is plainly uneconomic. If however there were suddenly incentives such as Petrol being 20p per litre less than Diesel, no road tax or similar then that would sway it. As long as they don't just shove diesel price up of course.

Euro stats without Greece Hungary & Croatia would be dire ...

Now when they are given the vote what do you think they will do ?

Of the 4 decliners mentioned, 2, half, are not members of the EU. Maybe there is an inverse correlation...?

As for the 3rd of the 4 decliners cited, Belgium, the decline in Februari was a one-off, because the previous month was the BI-annual motor fair in Brussels.

That leaves just Lithuania and Slovakia unexplained.

Facts please
Of the 4 decliners mentioned, 2, half, are not members of the EU. Maybe there is an inverse correlation...?

As for the 3rd of the 4 decliners cited, Belgium, the decline in Februari was a one-off, because the previous month was the BI-annual motor fair in Brussels.

That leaves just Lithuania and Slovakia unexplained.

Facts please

Excuses Excuses ...

Since when does a motor shoe affect car registrations ,I have been in the business for 25 yrs and never heard of that ever before best you go and have some Moulle & Frite and think again sunshine !
Excuses Excuses ...

Since when does a motor shoe affect car registrations ,I have been in the business for 25 yrs and never heard of that ever before best you go and have some Moulle & Frite and think again sunshine !

Good question. Not sure if this also applies to the Birmingham event, but almost all manufacturers give generous discounts at the time of the motor show, which leads to a spike in registration in the month of January and a fall the next month, like February 2018. However, since the Brussels motorshow is only a bi-annual event, car registrations in February 2017 were not depressed by discounts the previous month. So a drop, year on year for the month of February is normal.
Good question. Not sure if this also applies to the Birmingham event, but almost all manufacturers give generous discounts at the time of the motor show, which leads to a spike in registration in the month of January and a fall the next month, like February 2018. However, since the Brussels motorshow is only a bi-annual event, car registrations in February 2017 were not depressed by discounts the previous month. So a drop, year on year for the month of February is normal.

Mate that is a crock even for you the majority of orders these days are from factory and that being the case even if there was an influx from a motor show which I don’t believe there is they would not be supplying and registering them within the month or less ...

Try again, the correct answer being the market is down the same as here !

Diesel is adding to the confusion for sure.

But having seduced everyone you can into low interest rate deals, to pump up the market, maybe everyone just has what they want now.
And you can't keep making cars last longer and making them more expensive without something happening.

There should probably be some steady state position, but you never get that as someone always has a bonus based on pulling next years sales forwards and getting some short term growth.

If they really want more volume, they need to engineer in more obsolescence and make them last less long, but they need everyone else to play ball too.