This is Divine


King Kong
detailfinish is proud to announce it has Swissol GB’s approval to use its products commercially.

To celebrate this agreement detailfinish has secured Swissol’s best wax Divine.


Retailing at £1280, Divine is Swissol’s equivalent to Zymol Royale and in my opinion provides a finish that is impossible to beat. Containing over 60% by volume of ultra pure Brazilian white carnauba, the highest grade carnauba available, this incredible wax provides the highest level of finish and longevity possible.

In the coming weeks I will use this wax on several details and look forward to relaying the impressions it makes with happy customers.

If you are interested in Swissol Divine for your car, get in touch now.

detailfinish remains an independent business and carries the highest quality waxes from all of the major producers, so all preferences can be catered for.
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Yep, congratulations!! Looking forward to seeing the results! Doesn't seem to be quite so heavy on the pocket as the Zymol stuff either....
Thanks everyone, I'm pretty pleased too :tu

... before the tub runs out ;)
Serious question though, how many cars would you expect one tub to cover?

Oh, and congratulations!

The actual Divine product provides 2 pots, the one above is a interim pot until I get my full set as it is made to order.


I don't know how many cars per pot as I haven't used it yet. Bear in mind not everyone is going to want to pay for a Divine detail, so I expect it to last some time.

Will have its first use on Friday.
Yes to Swissvax

The branding is coming through on the products, but the marketing/advertising is still Swissol based hence my posting as Swissol. It will take the market a long time to adjust
Well done Damen, does this mean your prices are now going through the roof:p

No seriously, well done, I know you have worked hard to get here, and you deserve the success that it brings, always nice to see a Welshman get head, I mean ahead:evil: