Thief nicks Porsche, twice !!

Ive always wanted to do that. Ever since the scene in Goldfinger where Bond steals the Starsky Hutch looking car (don't ask me what the fackin name is). Starts it up and roars through the window with that fat sherriff and then over that bridge.

Bit Random I know, but
'When I get home iam gonna punch your mother in the mouth, their aint no way that boy came from my loins"
greatest line from a film for me:D
Ive always wanted to do that. Ever since the scene in Goldfinger where Bond steals the Starsky Hutch looking car (don't ask me what the fackin name is). Starts it up and roars through the window with that fat sherriff and then over that bridge.


AMC Hornet 1974