The Great Global Warming Swindle


Boy Racer
The documentary film is here on Google video. 1 hr.16 min.

TV Documentary: The Great Global Warming Swindle
by Richard North

It may not win next year's Best Documentary Oscar, but the British doc "The Great Global Warming Swindle" created quite a stir when it was aired Thursday on the UK's Channel Four. Richard North - co-editor of EU Referendum - was watching and has this review for Pajamas Media. Five excerpts from the documentary are appended.

Only very rarely can a TV documentary be seen as a pivotal moment in a major political debate, but such was UK's Channel Four's production, "The Great Global Warming Swindle" last Thursday.

And how appropriate it was that the programme was broadcast at the same time as the 27 leaders of the European Union member states were meeting to agree a "ground breaking deal" on targets for reducing carbon emissions, setting their economies further on the road to decline.

Inevitably, the message offered by the programme will be a "slow burn", not least because - as the programme points out - global warming is now a major industry, with tens of thousands of people relying for their incomes on the scam.

The reason why it will prevail, however, is that it presented such a devastatingly authoritative account of how the hysteria over global warming has parted all company with reality. With the aid of almost every top scientist in the field, from Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT and Roy Spencer, the former top climate expert at NASA, to Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace, producer Martin Durkin's superbly professional film showed how the evidence is now overwhelming that the chief cause of climate change is not human activity but changes in radiation from the sun.

Almost the only point he did not include was the evidence now accumulating from observers in many parts of the world that a significant degree of "warming" has recently been taking place all through our solar system, from dwindling ice fields on Mars to Jupiter, and even as far out as Neptune's moon Triton and Pluto.

The essential points, however, are indisputable, with the programme starting from the generally agreed premise that, in the earth's 4.5 billion year history, the one constant is that climate is always changing.

We are reminded that, in more recent history there has been: a mini ice age in the seventeenth century when the Thames froze so solidly that fairs could regularly be held on the ice; a Medieval Warm Period, even balmier than today; and sunnier still was the so-called Holocene Maximum, which was the warmest period in the last 10,000 years. In fact, in the last 10,000 years, the warmest periods have happened well before humans started to produce large amounts of carbon dioxide.

We were shown that more recently, temperature was rising prior to 1940 but, in the post-war economic boom period, when carbon dioxide emissions rose dramatically, temperatures actually fell until the 1970s, when they started to rise again. But, overall, in the past 150 years the temperature has risen by just over half a degree Celsius. But most of that rise occurred before 1940. Since that time the temperature has fallen for four decades and risen for three.

What was absolutely fascinating, though, was to see so clearly demonstrated the simple unalterable facts that, while there is no direct correlation between CO2 levels in the atmosphere, solar activity very precisely matches the plot of temperature change over the last 100 years. It correlates well with the anomalous post-war temperature dip, when global carbon dioxide levels were rising.

Furthermore, over a longer time-span, the correlation between sunspot activity and temperature survives, while here is some evidence to suggest that the rise in carbon dioxide lags behind the temperature rise by 800 years. On that basis, higher CO2 levels are a response to temperature increases, and cannot be a cause of them.

The problem for the man-made warming advocates is that, while they rely on computer models of every increasing sophistication and complexity, all of them assume that man-made CO2 is the main cause of climate change rather than the sun or the clouds."

Says Dr Roy Spencer, formerly a senior scientist for climate studies at NASA's marshal space flight centre: "The analogy I use is like my car's not running very well, so I'm going to ignore the engine which is the sun and I'm going to ignore the transmission which is the water vapour and I'm going to look at one nut on the right rear wheel which is the human produced CO2. The science is that bad."

The last word goes to former environmentalist Paul Driessen who observes that, "The theory of man-made global warming is now so firmly entrenched, the voices of opposition so effectively silenced, it seems invincible, untroubled by any contrary evidence, no matter how strong. The global warming alarm is now beyond reason."

He [Note by Hans Labohm: Wrong! It was Fred Singer who said that.] then

"There will still be people who believe that this is the end of the world particularly when you have, for example, the chief scientist of the UK telling people that by the end of the century the only habitable place on the earth will be the Antarctic. And humanity may survive thanks to some breeding couples who moved to the Antarctic. I mean this is hilarious. It would be hilarious actually if it weren't so sad. . We imagine we live in an age of reason and the global warming alarm is dressed up as science but it's not science . it's propaganda.

The problem though is not scientific. When apparently authoritative scientists stand up and make claims, supported by a rent-seeking media, people tend to believe them. Moreover, because such claims invariably support the interventionalist tendencies of governments and politicians, there is a natural bias towards accepting that which legitimizes the intervention. This is what is known as the beneficial crisis.

With no countervailing force, we get the build-up of a scare dynamic which then dominates public policy, even (or especially) where the scientific foundation is hopelessly flawed.

In the fullness of time, the scare will dissipate - scares always do - leaving a trail of wreckage behind it. Looking back, we will view the claims of pending Armageddon with amused puzzlement, wondering how people could have been so stupid as to have accepted such crazy alarums.

By then, of course, we will all have moved on to yet another scare, and another, each of which will have seemed every bit as plausible and rational as did global warming at the time. But each time we will have forgotten how easily we were gulled by that which we now deride, and each time mankind emerges the poorer.
It's being repeated tomorrow (Monday) evening at 10pm on more4. Well worth watching. It's produced with clear bias (by a less than reputable film-maker) but it's impossible to ignore the facts. Hopefully they are loud enough to still be heard by those with their heads in the sand!

Encourage any sceptic friends to watch it.
..It's produced with clear bias (by a less than reputable film-maker)..

Can you elaborate on that please ?

It is indeed important to relay this. It will probably take 5 years to sift through to compensate for all the brainwash that's been done during the last couple of years :(
thanks for the link, gre documentry, and probably the truth,

i knew it was a con

Thanks. It is one of the things that I worry about very much indeed, because it's used as a reason to limit individual freedom, of which is not left very much any way :(

It (personal and economic freedom) all started with Adam Smith in England during the 18th Century. What's left of it, is currently killed by the EU and its member states :(
Something's got to be done, I try to do my share and I hope more people will wake up ;)
I can't recall the exact details but he has apparently championed some rather dubious causes and received criticism for distorting truths.

I've not looked into it in any more detail, because I think it's largely irrelevant. The 'facts' presented aren't affected by this chap's past. I've not come across much feedback from the programme but I suspect it's mostly character attacks on Martin Durkin rather than serious debate on the data presented.
I missed the original program, having planned to originally watch it, but had to go out for dinner with some colleagues, so thanks for the link.

It is hard with any TV program to know how selective the editing is, whether the participants knew how their information was going to be presented or whether it presents what they wanted to say.
I also look at these things to see is the participants could have an axe to grind, or be in some way disgruntled or otherwise discredited.
It seems likely to me that the bulk of what was presented was as intended.

It is unfortunate that through the general dumbing down of our society, even scientific programs and articles are modified to be presented as entertainment.
It seems likely to me that the facts presented in the program are dumbed down. Far more information is necessary to explain how they reached their conclusions.

The most alarming claim made is that the peer review process is flawed and that scientific information has been modified.
It is part of the basic scientific method that the facts are the facts. You have to take it warts and all, and if it does not fit your hypothesis then you change the hypothesis, not the facts.
They were suggesting that the IPCC' output is little better than the dossier on Iraq, and it's manipulated claims.
I would also need more evidence to judge if this is true.

A few months ago it was reported that some body (I don't remember which) had concluded that warming was made made, and they could be 80 or 90% certain.
This was widely reported. Although this leaves room for doubt, my understanding was that this was a result of rigorous consideration of the available evidence.
I do not know whether this is true or not, but I find it hard to discount such a position on the basis of one TV show.

There has been a trend for a long time in all forms of media to not just report the facts, but to speculate on them and interpret them. There is very little that presents a clear unbiased view.
Governments have little interest in presenting both sides of the argument either, since they want people to side with their view.
Since most people will not read anything, let alone scientific papers, the minds of the majority are shaped quite easily.
In these times of distrusting anything officials say, many people turn to net in the search for information, some of which is unsubstaniated and just plain wrong. This is how a lot of the pressure groups spread their biased messages.

I never agreed with direct action, pressure group politics, since there it undermines the democratic process. The environmental movement has become part of this, and is primarily a political movement.
They are, therefore, not the right people to look for the truth either.
Partly the program is right to liken them to a religious movement, since facts don't matter, it has become a matter of belief.

It seems sensible to me, that since our current lifestyle is dependant upon energy, we should look for some form of energy security.
Given the instabilities and historically strained relationships with the middle east, to reduce dependence on oil is common sense. Similarly to depend on Russian gas is not the most sensible. And the coal power stations killed all the trees in Scandinavia.
For me, the case for nuclear is quite clear, but I am not convinced this has anything to do with global warming. I would need a lot more evidence to support this claim.
Besides, the argument is better served by just stating the facts, there is no need to invent a whole warming conspiracy.

I can relate to the claims about funding for research and the self-perpetuating momentum an idea can gather.
If you look at mobile phones, people have been trying for nearly 15 years now to prove they are bad for you. Countless legal cases have failed, countless pieces of research have proved the opposite, yet the government tells you not to use them as a precaution and the funding continues. And the funding comes from the manufacturers, since if they don't pay they are hiding something. So the gravy train continues, and various dubious peices of scientific work get churned out, and the conclusion is although we studied it for 5 years we need to do more. They have a vested interest in dragging it out, perhaps so you cand spend your entire career prove nothing.
Of course the lawyers also circle since they hope for another tobacco like revelation that will allow them all to retire.

The precautionary approach mentioned in the program is the most worrying element of modern reasoning. Perhaps it is borne of risk aversion.
But it means that anything you don't like cna be limited without any proof. This can harldly be reasonable.

I know that Nasa is launching some satellites (I think 3) to study the solar wind which should also give more information about the suns output.
Of course it will take many years before this can be used to conclude anything.

One of the things that also concerns me is the romanticisation of poor/peasant lifestyles. It is easy to sit in a position of relative wealth and prosperity and talk to other countries about what they should do.
I think we have no right to dictate to developing nations what they should or should not do. Whether our style of society is really the right way to go, is for them to choose for themselves. Personally I think there are quite a few negative aspects of our lifestyle, but it is arogant to presume to tell others what to do.

The malaria bit is quite true.
When the romans came to the UK, they marched up to Scotland, where more than half of the force died from malaria.
Mosquitos live here, much as elsewhere. The mosquitos are infected by people, and the people infect the mosquitos. It is a cycle. We don't have a problem here, not because of the temperature, but because neither side has a large infected population. (Although warming would allow some more species.)
They used to have malaria in Taiwan. Then in the 60's they sprayed everywhere with DDT, which killed the mosquitos for a while, and during the gap the people were treated. The mosquitos came back, but there is no malaria there now.

I wonder what will happen the global carbon trading schemes if this proved to be irrelevant. It will be judged by history as a huge scam.

In conclusion, I think the program was quite interesting.
My own view is that warming is probably linked to solar outputs, but I did not reach this because of the program.
It will take a lot more than this to start turning the tide.
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Would I be a cynic to believe the following:-

Polaticians have jumped on the bandwagon, as it is an issue they can be seen to be doing good, and raise revenue.

The hawks (Republicans) have jumped on the bandwagon, as it gives them a stick to beat devoloping counties with, dont develop, stay third world, otherwise life as we know it will end.

Most of the lentalist are on the wagon, cos they need a cause, whatever it is.

Science on board for the funding.

What a mess,

Truth is, one day it will be unmasked as a massive con, and the world will unite around Nuclear, as it is the only real way of not wasting fossil fuels,

anyway rant over
This was apparently in the Independent today:

Although some of the graphs may have been a little dodgy (which is what I thought could be possible), they do not dispute the key one that CO2 concentrations lag behind temperature rises, i.e. that it is a symptom of warming and not the cause.
If this is true, then this is the most persuasive argument.
Additionally they do not dispute that vlocanoes annually emit more C02 that all the industrial activity combined.

You can't afford to go off half-cocked on this. Without being sure of the facts, it will be too easy to get shot down.
As each camps position hardens, it will become more difficult to discern the truth.
This was apparently in the Independent today:

Although some of the graphs may have been a little dodgy (which is what I thought could be possible), they do not dispute the key one that CO2 concentrations lag behind temperature rises, i.e. that it is a symptom of warming and not the cause.
If this is true, then this is the most persuasive argument.
Additionally they do not dispute that vlocanoes annually emit more C02 that all the industrial activity combined.

You can't afford to go off half-cocked on this. Without being sure of the facts, it will be too easy to get shot down.
As each camps position hardens, it will become more difficult to discern the truth.

Not a matter of belief; do your own research and you'll draw your own conclusions ;)