Shite Weather...


Odin, Father of the North
Great on Saturday,

Rained in Poole Sun, but great in Reading, got back to Poole Sunday afternoon...raining

This morning, Raining..

In London, Raining..

This afternoon, Raining..

Judi told me in Bournemouth its, Raining..
Raining here in Hemel and I have no doubt that when I drive back to Oxford tonight it will be raining there as well...can't beat the good old British weather
It wasn't just raining in Windlesham it was bucketing down! but then it was to be expected as it's the first day of Wimbledon :rolleyes:
It rained at home yesterday at half time during the footie - I had already waxed both cars and put them away - Ive got 4 hours on the CCTV to proove it :rolleyes:

Looks like thunder at the mo here:(

I'm pleased with the weather, myself. My lawn was starting to brown with the lack of water so a good drenching will do it the world of good :)

The weather report looks good as the week unfolds :)

It better get better for Gods sake!!! I have 75-100 people at my gaff for a garden party on Saturday afternoon/evening!!!

Luckily I booked a marquee in case!!
Weather no good over here, yesterday afternoon it came down like a waterfall :eek: today it's dull, windy, humid, depressing :ranting:
Talking about depressed and all that, people seem to be a bit off :out today, probably due to that lost football match or something :rolleyes: Had almost a car accident twice, only driven 9 km so far today.. :wall
Mosi said:
The weather report looks good as the week unfolds :)

It better get better for Gods sake!!! I have 75-100 people at my gaff for a garden party on Saturday afternoon/evening!!!

Luckily I booked a marquee in case!!

Ahem, Mosi are we not worthy:eek: You can't go talking about a party thats going to be stacked full of alky hol and then not invite Pure GT:(

Chris, can't believe you were in Reading. I'm Mr Reading, i could have got you in anywhere.:out
SimonM said:
Ahem, Mosi are we not worthy:eek: You can't go talking about a party thats going to be stacked full of alky hol and then not invite Pure GT:(

Sorry Simon, I can do another party for the PureGT crew - but this one is for friends of both the Missis and I - we wanted to keep the numbers manageable.

I have booked this lot to do the bar and have unlimited cocktails being prep'ed by cocktail bartenders all day + dolly birds topping up glasses / glass collecting etc.

I've booked an inflatable pole jousting jobby too (Gladiators stylee) + have outside caterers in doing some top grub all day long. I have a big screen on hire in the back garden to watch the England game too.

Should be a cracking day if the weather holds out!
Maxine said:
Deja vu!!! Thats what you said last time..

Once is an accident.. Twice is a bare-faced snub :p

Pah!.....look, if you knew us both you people would be asked along. I can hardly go and invite a load of internet chums that dont know us both to a party can I!

(ps, Jez, as you've asked Annabel & I to your wedding - you are more than welcome to bob over with Jane)
(pps, nomis, as we are good friends outside of here - you and Lorene are welcome too)
.....but I must warn you WILL get messy!!
Mosi said:
Pah!.....look, if you knew us both you people would be asked along. I can hardly go and invite a load of internet chums that dont know us both to a party can I!

We need to get to know Mosi lady :evil: ;)
Mosi said:
Pah!.....look, if you knew us both you people would be asked along. I can hardly go and invite a load of internet chums that dont know us both to a party can I!

Invite us round then... Then we'd no longer be 'internet chums that dont know us both'..... :wall

Otherwise, its fizzy pop and sausage rolls round mine... :scared:
Maxine said:
Invite us round then... Then we'd no longer be 'internet chums that dont know us both'..... :wall

Otherwise, its fizzy pop and sausage rolls round mine... :scared:

Cool, party at Max's the date and I'll be there :D
Don't worry Mosi, im just kiddin yer. Have a fab time on saturday. Just havin a laugh.

Party round Maxines:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Mosi said:
Should be a cracking day if the weather holds out!

Hey that sounds like a cracking day all round what ever the weather :)

Sue is sucking up to Mosi in the hope of a last min invite :p

Seriously though, have fun :cool: Is the event marking an event we should congratulate you on? :)