Porker 7:23 round the Ring

Edo porsche. and actually its a 7:15 BTG. And .. and.. and... he gets slowed down badly by a few bits of traffic, but notably the worst was that bloody cortina.. oh i mean bmw on the last corner.. ;)
Sub 10 mins is by no means easy on a public day when you're new to the track IMHO. I'd I think you're best not timing yourself but just enjoying it, which you will do, it's bloody great!:)

Damn that is so fast,

From only 1 visit to the ring, I can confirm it is difficult to get a clear run, however the biggest thing slowing me down and any newbie is not having enough idea what is coming next,
such a long track, will take many laps to remember and then you have to start getting to grips properly with the turining in points,

Huge and rewarding challenge, smoth fast lap.

Which I hope to acheive one day, untill then, will keep trying.
Kristiano said:
Sub 10 mins is by no means easy on a public day when you're new to the track IMHO. I'd I think you're best not timing yourself but just enjoying it, which you will do, it's bloody great!:)


With Simon M in the car and on what i classed as a disastrous lap(got so much wrong) i managed a 9:38.. On my own with no distractions and using my wrist watch to time I managed 09:15-09:20 .. And i'm no track driver and in a big fat wallowy Porsche 996 Turbo.

Rob, after only his second visit was in the 08:30s in his 996 GT3 RS.

Damn that is so fast,

From only 1 visit to the ring, I can confirm it is difficult to get a clear run, however the biggest thing slowing me down and any newbie is not having enough idea what is coming next,
such a long track, will take many laps to remember and then you have to start getting to grips properly with the turining in points,

Huge and rewarding challenge, smoth fast lap.

Which I hope to acheive one day, untill then, will keep trying.

Don't forget to look out for the white dots, which are the turn in points and apexes.

takes some spotting but a big help when you do.
I agree Dave, I will be looking for those big time on the next trip.

I was quite happy with a 9min 35seconds, after my first 10 laps or so, however after going out in the car with a couple of the boys, realised how much better and faster I could go, esp if I ignored the clock and concentrated on the driving.

So I have no intention of recording times on the next visit.
daz said:
I agree Dave, I will be looking for those big time on the next trip.

I was quite happy with a 9min 35seconds, after my first 10 laps or so, however after going out in the car with a couple of the boys, realised how much better and faster I could go, esp if I ignored the clock and concentrated on the driving.

So I have no intention of recording times on the next visit.


The best bit of advice i can give you, is to ignore the time shit......

You'll know when youre quick, when you start overtaking the locals in their stripped out GTI's etc.

As you say, concentrate on getting your lines right, and time will fall off, but spend too much time watching the clock, and bad things can happen very easy:finger
Manthey Man said:

The best bit of advice i can give you, is to ignore the time shit......

You'll know when youre quick, when you start overtaking the locals in their stripped out GTI's etc.

As you say, concentrate on getting your lines right, and time will fall off, but spend too much time watching the clock, and bad things can happen very easy:finger

I couldn't agree more..