Police bail 'Mr Loophole' lawyer


Ring Warrior
Nick Freeman has represented a number of celebrities
The celebrity lawyer Nick Freeman, nicknamed Mr Loophole, has been released on bail after he was arrested in Manchester.
Police raided his offices in the city centre on Monday after a request from Gwent Police.

Mr Freeman was being questioned with another man on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

The Cheshire-based lawyer has become well-known for representing celebrity clients, usually on motoring offences.

At this stage I can't go into the details surrounding these allegations other than to say I'm innocent of these claims

Nick Freeman

They have included former England captain David Beckham, who successfully appealed against a driving ban in 1999.

Mr Freeman has also successfully represented Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson, Wayne Rooney and snooker player Ronnie O'Sullivan.

In his most recent high-profile case, he failed to help model Caprice escape a drink driving conviction.

A spokeswoman for Gwent Police said a 45-year-old man and a 49-year-old man were arrested in Manchester on Monday morning and released at about 2330 GMT.

"The arrests have been made as part of an ongoing investigation being carried out by Gwent Police," she said.

Visited offices

The pair were bailed to return to a police station in December.

Police also visited Mr Freeman's offices in Manchester city centre as part of the investigation.

Speaking on Tuesday, Mr Freeman said he was innocent and would defend himself rigorously against the allegations.

"At this stage I can't go into the details surrounding these allegations other than to say I'm innocent of these claims," he said.

source - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/6100970.stm
north wales police would have it in for him though Burstrom or whatever his name is, is a wanker big style towards car drivers
I can't see them 'doing' him, he'll find a loophole!:finger He's a clever bugger and most people working in or for the Police force are not particularly clever in my experience. However, I reckon they'll have had quite a lot of evidence if they have actually arrested him...............It'll be interesting to find out.
