please help these cute dogs


I have found a website for a rescue home for animals in south wales. They rehome dogs anywhere in the UK.
I was hoping that you guys might consider having a look here if you are thinking of getting a dog (or cat).
Some of them are really adorable and I would love to know they went to a good home.
I am currently waiting for them to get some dogs that would be small enough for me to have at my flat then I will be applying for one.
Please at least take a look and maybe even make a donation so they can buy the dogs the food and blankets that they need.
Thanks guys
well said rachel...

we get all of our animals from rescue centres if we can - strongly beliieve breeding of cats/dogs for sale should be vert tightly controlled to reduce the amount of pets that end up in these places....

the other thing is that the animal usually knows its been rescued, so they tend to make a better pet... imho....
the other thing is that the animal usually knows its been rescued, so they tend to make a better pet... imho....

This is absolutely 100% correct, all of 'our' (before we split up) Great Danes were rescued pets and they were fantastic. It normally takes a few months to bring them out of their shell (as some were obviously previously mistreated) but you couldn't ask for a more well behaved, loving pet. Personally I'm not really an animal lover as it was one of ex's many fads but I was still pretty impressed.

:scared: You big meanies!

Just a warning if you are thinking of adopting one of these animals, they have told me that they wouldn't put a tiny puppy with young children which, imho, makes no sense if they are desperate to home them and someone who has children is offering a good home and lots of love!:out
I wanted to adopt one of the puppies they have at the moment but they told me about not putting a puppy with young children as mine are 5, 4, and 10 months. Personally, I dont see what the problem is as long as the children are supervised around the dog and know that it is an animal and not a toy - which my children already do cos we have a kitten and a hamster.
Anyway, enough of me moaning!
Hope you change your minds about eating the poor little beggars!!!:finger
I would always worry if I had to get a rescue dog as these animals usually come from people who live in dodgy areas and sponge off the state. It would not surprise me if they just train the dogs such that when they get to the new owners, they nick all your jewellery and cash and then run back to the original owner - be warned! :scared:

I got this dog from a rescue home, she's a lovely addition to the family. We all love her dearly :)
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I would always worry if I had to get a rescue dog as these animals usually come from people who live in dodgy areas and sponge off the state. It would not surprise me if they just train the dogs such that when they get to the new owners, they nick all your jewellery and cash and then run back to the original owner - be warned! :scared:



Love it.
We had Dolly (i know) from the NCDL, approx 11 years ago, she has been the best pet dog ever, though she is more human than animal,
comes to work with me, comes to the pub, comes to the inlaws the outlaws, pretty much everywhere, as she gets so lonely.
She only has 3 legs these days, and is going blind, and a little deaf, however loves my kids, and is quiet and kind,
and still loves walks along the beach, sleeping on the floor beside me as I write this, she is a little stunner.

Adopting her was harder than Maddona getting a little black baby, they came round and vetted us first, and then spent a week making a decision, long week.

So Dolly has been a part of my family for a third of my life on earth, and all of my childrens,
how massive is that.