One For Nat Trevor Full Front


After the TVR debacle we have started having requests from Tiv ownere to do full frontal designs so we have started with the older models and are working back through the catalogue :)

The Chimaeras and Cerbera have probably got the longest wings we have ever done :) (even bigger than the z4 ones we did)

Hope you like it Nat


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Looking good, huge wings and bonnet though.

The Tuscan should be easier as the service bonnet is only ickle. :)
yep one piece bonnet and wings mahoosive they are :) T350c arriving soon and waiting for tuscan and tuscan S as well as saggyarse, figured a few more trevor pics around this place was a bonus :)

I spoke to Gerbill on the phone (did you ever meet him) today, going to go to blackpool in a couple to get lathered with him

A Chimp with covered headlights? Unusual. Looks like the covers have been nicked off a Tuscan racer.....
Sweet, I would offer my car as a template, if needed, but Grantham seems to be on the wrong side of the M4 to me. :D
Ah, right. Haven't seen many of those around, I can only recall seeing this one and one other with the covered lights.
All the "newer" models were coming out at that time, so I think people changed from the chim/griff to the tuscan/t350/cerb lw.

Still looks great for a 13/15 year old desgin. :)
Sweet, I would offer my car as a template, if needed, but Grantham seems to be on the wrong side of the M4 to me. :D

God I thought people on here liked driving their cars not just polishing them :)

Its a Breeze of a run we get Focus St owners come to us from Dorset to get work done and thats a FORD:scared:
There's one that parks down a mate's road, and every time I see it part of me thinks "Hmmm.....maybe.....".

Another mate's brother also works at Power, and the pair of them came round one night in the Power's Taraka demo Chimp. I lived next to train tracks then, and it was louder than anything that came past. Brutal.
I reckon these are going to be a great Investment (along with the Cerby) as time goes on I just have a feeling that they will gain the staus of the 60's and seventies american muscle cars in another 10 years
There's one that parks down a mate's road, and every time I see it part of me thinks "Hmmm.....maybe.....".

Another mate's brother also works at Power, and the pair of them came round one night in the Power's Taraka demo Chimp. I lived next to train tracks then, and it was louder than anything that came past. Brutal.

Marko, you need one, they are such a laugh :)

Buy a black 4.5lw cerb :devil:
Funny you should mention a Cerb, I've been toying with the idea given they're relatively cheap these days. Having said that, I don't think I could rest until I've had a Tuscan, as you may have noticed from the way I was circling yours at Weltmeister!

I've long thought they were just stunning motors, and pretty joined PH and the TVRCC to find out more about them. To cap it off, I went to David Gerald and made the mistake of sitting in one......mmmm! :yum:

"Hi, I'm Mark....and I'm a future Tuscaholic" :)
Sorry mate i don't really recal Weltmeister!, nor the 3 hour trip home.... Might have something to do with the 17 mins sleep i got :eek:

You really do need one Marko!



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