Oi Paintshield ?


How much for some of that posh sellotape stuff on the front of my Gallardo please? (I'm getting the front end sprayed up yet again!)

The 997 already had it on when I bought the car, and it aint half bad stuff really - I can tailgate all sorts of exotica with big wheels and I havent seen one single paint chip yet :)

Would I need to come up the arse end of England to get it fitted, or are there any decent agents of yours in the civilised world that would do a proper job ? :p
How much for some of that posh sellotape stuff on the front of my Gallardo please? (I'm getting the front end sprayed up yet again!)

The 997 already had it on when I bought the car, and it aint half bad stuff really - I can tailgate all sorts of exotica with big wheels and I havent seen one single paint chip yet :)

Would I need to come up the arse end of England to get it fitted, or are there any decent agents of yours in the civilised world that would do a proper job ? :p

That'll be Lincolnshire you're meaning then Mr. Morrissey ! - typical southern-git ignorance- and don't give me any of that "I'm really from Manchestershire" shite either - you're a girlie Southerner now whatever you want to think...

When you're compelled to come-up to Grantham (as I'm sure you will be now you've offended the Lincolnshire contingent by opening your gob) let me know and I'll buy you some lunch.....
That'll be Lincolnshire you're meaning then Mr. Morrissey ! - typical southern-git ignorance- and don't give me any of that "I'm really from Manchestershire" shite either - you're a girlie Southerner now whatever you want to think...

When you're compelled to come-up to Grantham (as I'm sure you will be now you've offended the Lincolnshire contingent by opening your gob) let me know and I'll buy you some lunch.....

LOL, I was born in Norwich and lived in little backward shanty towns around Norfolk in my early years Steve :p ....I am qualified enough to make the above statement :p

I'll take you up on lunch if I'm up there getting some sticky tape on the car though :)
LOL, I was born in Norwich and lived in little backward shanty towns around Norfolk in my early years Steve :p ....I am qualified enough to make the above statement :p

I'll take you up on lunch if I'm up there getting some sticky tape on the car though :)

ooh-arrgh Norfolk eh ! - you have been about a bit !:) :)
Bugger me I leave you lot alone for a few hours and look what happens :)

Call me on 01476 592777 (or PM me for my cell and I will walk you through the options (we have a lot of them)

Standard Kit, Full frontal, Sills, yada yada yada The club gets a 20% discount off retail in any event (Thank Glen) he did the southern thing wirh a red pool ball, Gimp mask and Thick end of a pool cue till I caved in :)

And I have to be Honest (I can Say this being A geordie) Lincs is not the Arse end of England technically Coldstream is :)

