November 8th

America are playing The Brighton Dome on 8th. Anyone remember "Horse with no name"

I'm not bright enough for these cryptic clues, nor old enough to listen to Radio 4 !

I'm planning on doing all the days in November.....

December too....and January....February's looking good as well...
who cares :rolleyes:

Some would say a reunion of the original members of one of the most musically important bands of the 20th century would be a major event, and one well worth seeing.

Others would say, "who cares?".

Suppose it depends on your point of view really.
Never really "got" the whole punk thing. Possibly just too old or perhaps conservative for all the pay to be sworn at and spat upon ? The anarchy lyrics never really did much for me either ?

Mostly I just said it to get a reaction. But I actually don't care. ;)

Not sure what you refer to when you say that everything is banned here in Norway. (If you're comparing to the UK)

I suspect the reason for not caring about this is because i got my share of sex pistols and other punk while my little sister had her "problem-period" when we were teens. Rooms next to eachother. And her with her shitty stereo mostly playing a few songs or albums on repeat all day long after slamming of doors and so on. Not too bothered with listening to them these days.

I'm sure they've had alot of wise messages to the people throughout their albums. But who hasn't? :P

so whats next? "sex pistlos - greatest hits", "sex pistols - still alive" ?