New / Revised BDM website


Boy Racer
Just want to give a big thanks to Max (True Innovation) :tu
Max and her team have worked really hard to upgrade our website into the modern day. Its been a bumpy road as none of us really realised how exposed the old site was until max started digging. She had some nightmares to sort out on the way, but it was the speed and proficiency that was the key and our actual downtime was hardly even noticed. She had some great support with hosting too from Matt :tu
I really like the new shop software which is much more up to date and fortunately, dealt with some security details we didn't know about. Just need to integrate a 'Pay for later' system from my buddy Scott now and really get some stuff moving...
Well done Mark, easy to navigate and fast. Nice having stuff priced which is a big attraction knowing your price startegy rather than having to call first.
Looks fantastic Mark, well done!

(p.s. feels very fast too ;) )

Getting lots of comments about how fast it is. Is that down to hosting then?
Our website is our 'shop window' and so important to us as a company. I really didn't fully realise how broken some of the stuff we had running was. Seems like money well spent :tu
Getting lots of comments about how fast it is. Is that down to hosting then?
Our website is our 'shop window' and so important to us as a company. I really didn't fully realise how broken some of the stuff we had running was. Seems like money well spent :tu

It can be a mixture. I am sure that Maxine will have used good software and also considered efficiency when designing the new site, this is half of the battle with speed, the other half is of course the server and how well optimised it is for your database and such. Maxine uses our managed hosting which means our 24x7 guys are constantly monitoring the health of the server, and will make optimisation changes if they deem them necessary to keep the site loading as quickly as it can.

The design and the hosting really go hand in hand when it comes to website performance. We get some really badly built sites come over to us sometimes, and good hosting can't polish a turd ;)
Thanks Mark, Matt.

Hosting is just one of the factors and we do have several suppliers now. The strength of what we do is understanding a clients needs and then matching that to the correct combination of software, hardware and hosting. Giving the client a one stop solution is paramount to good service. :)

Its great that you have had good feedback Mark. Good hosting is worth every penny. :tu

Reminds me of another client who would always baulk at hosting charges, then told me that 90% of their business came from the website. :wall
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