Nah that will polish out mate

The fact that they are doing it repeatedly suggests to me they aren't bothered about the results, but are either trying to train the drivers or the passengers, or to show the people how something is done and what to expect.
What they are training them for, is not so clear.

I thought about barrier testing, but they do that at a steeper angle and without people in the car.

I can only think it is one of these:
1. making sure the airbags and other electronic items can cope with a glancing blow to the barrier
2. making sure the car can manage a glancing blow without the steering snapping, or some loss of control
3. making sure the tyres and/or wheels can survive a glancing blow to the barrier
4. having some dry runs for a shot/stunt for a movie
5. trying to reproduce something for the jury, perhaps for a court case involving a driving incident
6. they're all mad.
The forum I found it on was and the comment on there was it was learning how to use armco to slow a car in an off, but how do you train for that? If your going into armco you can't control it :out
If your brakes had a problem and you wanted to slow the car before hitting the tyre wall or perpendicular barrier, then it could help.
But in real life, but the time you realise you have a problem, I can't see how you would have the time and space to use it.

It's just an excuse to wreck a 3-series.