MSN News: New: 420bhp Vauxhall saloon

How in God's name can the manufacturers of the MkV Astra, which is one of the best looking hot hatches ever IMO, subsequently churn out this turd?! :wall They should have kept the Holden body shapes they used for the Monaro.

Looks like it could have a good set of technical specs, but the designer could have done with buying a pair of normal specs.....
I don't think it looks that bad. It is pretty inoffensive, and if it weren't in red you wouldn't notice it.
Maybe this is the idea.
It hardly gets you moist, but then you get what you pay for.
Hmmm, maybe I was slightly harsh, but I'll always have a soft spot for Vauxhalls as they served as my transport for the first 6 years of my driving life, and it gets me when they can do 'great' things (for their market) like the Astra and then let themselves down later.

To me it just looks like a mixing pot of other designs, and not in the way that looks like a design cue, more a 'cut-and-paste'.......Vectra-esque lights with a hint of something that looks like it's Malaysian, Holden grille, Focus ST fog lamp housings shoved into the front bumper cock-eyed, Evo X lower front bumper and the rear light clusters just seem awkward being slash-cut one end and round the other....."Eye of the beholder" and all that, I guess (and I don't mean the Metallica track! :))

Not Fiat Multipla territory by a long way, but 'could do better'.