MSN News: Congestion charge could treble

You think a person who spends £36K on a jolly to communist Cuba really gives a f***.
Him and his ilk are no more than jealous turds who want more of your money to spend on their socialist engineering projects.
The sooner he gets dumped in the Thames with a couple of blocks on concrete the better the chance London can become part of England again.
It is a foreign country that I do not recognise. Depsite being born there, I refuse to visit or venture inside the M25.
You think a person who spends £36K on a jolly to communist Cuba really gives a f***.
Him and his ilk are no more than jealous turds who want more of your money to spend on their socialist engineering projects.
The sooner he gets dumped in the Thames with a couple of blocks on concrete the better the chance London can become part of England again.
It is a foreign country that I do not recognise. Depsite being born there, I refuse to visit or venture inside the M25.
