MSN News: Clarkson rapped over gay jibe

I'm sorry.....but friggin queers/homo's/benders/gays (call them what you will!) are the first to openly flaunt/promote their sexuality in public. But as soon as someone says something about them they get the hump and get all shirty!

I have absolutely no problem with homo's by the way - I DO have a problem with homo's that ram it down everyone's neck that they are gay, then get the hump if someone takes the piss

Society has gone friggin mad! :out
I have absolutely no problem with homo's by the way - I DO have a problem with homo's that ram it down everyone's neck that they are gay, then get the hump if someone takes the piss

You may want to rephrase that ... ;)
I'm sorry.....but friggin queers/homo's/benders/gays (call them what you will!) are the first to openly flaunt/promote their sexuality in public. But as soon as someone says something about them they get the hump and get all shirty!

I have absolutely no problem with homo's by the way - I DO have a problem with homo's that ram it down everyone's neck that they are gay, then get the hump if someone takes the piss

Society has gone friggin mad! :out
The same goes for anyone else who pulls out the :redcard: as and when it suits them, regardless of what it's for. Equal rights go across the board, so that means equal chance to get the piss taken out of you too, IMO.

All this PC stuff is just ridiculous, people need to get over themselves and lighten up.
I'm sorry.....but friggin queers/homo's/benders/gays (call them what you will!) are the first to openly flaunt/promote their sexuality in public. But as soon as someone says something about them they get the hump and get all shirty!

I have absolutely no problem with homo's by the way - I DO have a problem with homo's that ram it down everyone's neck that they are gay, then get the hump if someone takes the piss

Society has gone friggin mad! :out
I agree with you mate.

If a homosexual talks shit about my heterosexuality, i wounldn't get mad. I wouldn't care.
Sometimes it seems homosexuality is more of a political statement than a personal/sexual oriented way of existing. By that i mean the parades and public demonstrations and so on.

Of course, for a lot of homosexuals the fact that others shows it in public might help them "get out of the closet", but it seems we have passed that some time ago.