Move out the way I'm coming through


Odin, Father of the North
Bloody people on the roads, I live in Dorset and the speed most people drive is slow fcuking slow....and they stay in the overtaking lane,:wall :wall

Also the limiters on Lorries is doing my head in...all lorries limited to 90kph so it takes another lorry 5 miles to overtake at 90 kph....:wall :wall

I need a bazooka fitted to the front..:biggun:

The Standard of driving in these parts is completely crap....:wall
Chris said:
all lorries limited to 90kph so it takes another lorry 5 miles to overtake at 90 kph....:wall :wall


Speak English boy...we deal in MPH not that EURO KPH shite ;) :D
Oh Chris, the roads in Surrey this afternoon were clear, so great to blast about after a nice lunch!!!!

We were celebrating as I won my tennis tournament :p and I thnk most of Weybridge and Windlesham know all about it :p
I normally talk in MPH but the EU thing has set the speed to 90kph or 56mph...
Chris said:
Bloody people on the roads, I live in Dorset and the speed most people drive is slow fcuking slow....and they stay in the overtaking lane,:wall :wall

Also the limiters on Lorries is doing my head in...all lorries limited to 90kph so it takes another lorry 5 miles to overtake at 90 kph....:wall :wall

I need a bazooka fitted to the front..:biggun:

The Standard of driving in these parts is completely crap....:wall

With your speeding history Chris - you need to be limited to 90KPH :finger
YOU need to be careful - your next speeding fine may end up in prison...... :scared:
skitt said:
Never!!! They start with the Euro then MPH to KPH what next we all drive on the wrong side of the road... ;)

Nah, already started way back when you lot converted to the decimal monetary system :finger No way stopping progress :p :p ;)
They did seriously consider swapping to KPH and driving on the other side.
They realised that the longer the left it the harder it would become.

But the cost, even 35 years ago, was too high to change all the signs and road markings.

So I think it will not change now.
We're safe.

Of course, a pint of beer could eventually go though.
If you go to the doctors, they talk about your height in metres and your weight in kilos, so I think gradually feet/inches and stones will fade away.
I'm surprised at you. Last year in Belgium you were powering past these trucks like you had x-ray vision on bends. You are the overtaking Prince Autobahn II.:)


We are nearly neighbours. I went to school in Windlesham, Hall Grove actually, for my sins, terribly private and posh. Most of my chums lived in Virginia Water, Suningdale, Ascot etc. So i know the area pretty well.;)
SimonM said:

We are nearly neighbours.

Have you seen us around then Simon? We're out in the Lambo most weekends and during the week I'm usually running about in my XKR with the roof down and the pup sitting regally in the back! Give us a toot and a wave if you do see us :)

For quite a resonable sized village it's surprising just how much everybody knows about each others business!!! I've only lived here a year and not quite got used to that aspect of village life! but I love driving around the country lanes. :cool:
13th said:
Have you seen us around then Simon? We're out in the Lambo most weekends and during the week I'm usually running about in my XKR with the roof down and the pup sitting regally in the back! Give us a toot and a wave if you do see us :)

For quite a resonable sized village it's surprising just how much everybody knows about each others business!!! I've only lived here a year and not quite got used to that aspect of village life! but I love driving around the country lanes. :cool:

Get some pics up on the site....
Chris said:
how did the Dinner party go....good...or not quite so...?:rolleyes:

The starter went down great but the beef joints were a little over cooked :rolleyes: luckily only the one person driving seemed to notice ;)
13th said:
The starter went down great but the beef joints were a little over cooked :rolleyes: luckily only the one person driving seemed to notice ;)
Oversteer better than Understeer....

I'll post pictures of my Paella...I know you can't taste it....but I'm sure a picture will surfice..