Mad Dogs


King Kong
Anybody else watch this? had me hooked, really enjoyed it.

thought the ending sucked though:dontknow:
Really enjoyed it myself, but yeah the ending was shite. What was that ending about? Was he waiting in the pool to shoot that fella, or are we being led to believe that was a hitman who was going to take Quinn out? Weird.
I really enjoyed it, very strange in places. Given me the hankering for a villa in Majorca!
watched 20 mins of the first episode and turned it off was really looking forward to it but thought it was wank must have got better as it went on
was looking forward to it...some sterling actors, promising story line, great location...

finished product was sadly lacking, and the ending was just rubbish.
was looking forward to it...some sterling actors, promising story line, great location...

finished product was sadly lacking, and the ending was just rubbish.

Couldn't agree more.....was a very poor finish after looking quite promising...