Lovely Evening in Poole tonight....


Odin, Father of the North
Judi, Peanut (dog) and I went to the Jazz Cafe for dinner, whilst the bands were playing and people walking past, over looking the harbour and the boats...

What nice way to spend an evening...

If only it was like this more often...
Chris said:
If only it was like this more often... is, just not in England! ;)

Roll on our retirement and relocation to some where that's warm 90% of the year, not 5% :rolleyes:

Glenn, what's your excuse?!? :finger
Well its pretty nice here in Bucks

Although tomorrow night I will be floating around the Irish Sea on the Parents 45 foot Gin Palace drinking muchos booze and watching the sun go down across the water - lovely jubbly :) :p
Mosi said:
Well its pretty nice here in Bucks

Although tomorrow night I will be floating around the Irish Sea on the Parents Gin Palace drinking muchos booze and watching the sun go down across the water - lovely jubbly :) :p
take some pics mate....
Mosi said:
I will be floating around the Irish Sea on the Parents 45 foot Gin Palace


I knew it... poor show old chap, 45 foot is a tender, not a palace :finger

[I bet you've even included the davits in that measurement!]
nomis said:

I knew it... poor show old chap, 45 foot is a tender, not a palace :finger

Its big enough ta.....maybe not by your standards Mr Posh.

And what are davits ?
Mosi said:
Its big enough ta.....maybe not by your standards Mr Posh.

And what are davits ?

What one would use to raise their landing craft from the water, or lower it into said water :sinking: ...generally located on the stern of a boat, unless they are VERY large and then they are located on the sides.

Pip pip and all that
Oh, you mean that sticky outy bit on the back that is at water level.

I am no seafaring type Simon, in fact my biggest phobia is deep water (too many Jaws films as a young lad!)...I'll never be a boating type
You think we have (joke) pissing competitions?!?

Larry Ellison and Paul Allen take the cake!

Larry's yatch, The Rising Sun - 452'8" - kept under wraps during build to one up Paul's Octopus!



And Octopus - 'only' 414'0"


Mosi said:
I saw Octopus at Antibes Yacht Club a couple of years ago, she is MASSIVE!! Paul Allen's (Microsoft 2nd in command) boat!.....apparently he is having a bigger one built to compete with that chap from Oracle (forgot his name)!!

$200 million build cost for Octopus!

Here she is....

Now THAT'S where we need to organise a PGT gathering. Split the cost between 40 of us and we'd have just enough left for a pint (to share). Bagsy I get first sip.. :out
Oh no - this is going to become my boat's bigger than yours thread...... anyone got that Oxy stuff that DMC was promoting - Mosi's going to need some ;) :D :D
How about the World's Largest Yacht

The single-masted 246ft-long yacht cost more than £30m to build and will be hired out for about £135,000 a week.
The vessel, which is twice as tall as Nelson's Column, houses a sauna, gym, jacuzzi, plunge pool, dining area and a 600-bottle wine cellar. There is also room for 12 crew, 12 guests and jet skis.

Gastro said:
Oh no - this is going to become my boat's bigger than yours thread...... anyone got that Oxy stuff that DMC was promoting - Mosi's going to need some ;) :D :D

I have a remote control speedboat Gastro...its about 1.5 foot long....beat that!