Leaked Report on Toll Roads

Not unusual, Belgium is going to implement road pricing too :wall Germany already has it for 7.5+ tons, guess what will happen next.. :out

Sooner or later other EU countries will also follow.. :( let's face it, we'll all be screwed big time..
Congestion ????? Kiss my hairy little butt... :out :out :out It's about money, just another way to rip everyone off moneywise. Tax revisited, legalised theft :confused: Just another way to feed the "civil servant cancer" to allow it to grow to even bigger proportions :(

I'm really disappointed to see that tax measures seem to be the easy-way-out solution of the brainless people that were in fact democratically chosen to find solutions for problems :trout:

Makes me really mad, this.. :madtu:
Looks like they're just following suit with other EU countries then.....

Are Labour digging themselves an early grave with this one? Come next election things will be interesting.
In my country, the alternative is usually more of the same, plus or minus. I have given up, sod them :wall Count me out.. :evil:
Andre said:
In my country, the alternative is usually more of the same

Yep your right there, they all over promise and under achieve, then when they're in they don't give a shite :out
Problem is that there's no competition. There's no alternative for a government. Same with many public services, like taxes. If you would have the possibility to choose to pay less tax to an alternative IRS or the local alternative that would need less money to achieve at least the same, what would you choose ?
Another problem imnsho is that society is becoming far too complex, with rules, exception to rules, interpretations of exceptions to rules, etc. etc. etc. Joe Average understands dick shit anymore.. :out