Kronenberg Blanc


Ring Warrior
Had a couple at lunchtime

Very nice refreshing drink - I can see it becoming my daytime BBQ drink

then again its very easy to drink :D

Tis a grand drink, at £3.50 a pint though i've not had chance to see what a hang over is like on it. I may try and find out this Friday. The good news to is your local friendly tesco now sell it, and mine have started selling Guinness export as well 7.5%:evil:
Its a ice drink for sure.
Problem is - with all that 'malt' in it - it's not just the hangover in the morning you have to worry about - its the diarrhoea. The Malt acts as a tremendous osmotic laxative if drunk in hangover quantities....... :(
Never tried it but will give it a go. In the summer I love having a Hoegaarden a great white beer.
xt500 said:
Tis a grand drink, at £3.50 a pint though i've not had chance to see what a hang over is like on it. I may try and find out this Friday. The good news to is your local friendly tesco now sell it, and mine have started selling Guinness export as well 7.5%:evil:
That's the best looking Alegro I've seen in years....might be something to do with the mascot
Our local has it .. Watch out cos its bleeding lethal.. (lovely but lethal!)
Gastro, the complaint you describe, is this common? I mean Belgium and some southern regions in Germany live and die by these white beers don't they or am I thinking of the wheat beer instead?

Sutters said:
Gastro, the complaint you describe, is this common? I mean Belgium and some southern regions in Germany live and die by these white beers don't they or am I thinking of the wheat beer instead?


I think to be honest its any beer (some are worse than others)........ but some of the wheat beers can be more laxative.

Its the usual 'gut rot' that many people describe after a big night out - some people are less susceptible of course and on the European front it tends to be served in smallers quantities - usually 1/2 pint or less.

In the Uk 'we' tend to give it large when we go out and drink a gallon load, while lifestyle in Europe tends to be be more a refreshing drink at lunch or after dinner rather than a razzle dazzle culture.
Yep the concept of going out for a "drink" is alien in most european countries.. (France,spain,italy etc) Drink is something you accompany the meal with... or you might slip into the bar on the way home for a coffee and a little snifter.

Explains lots really .. (i know scandinavian countries are different!)
Chris said:
That's the best looking Alegro I've seen in years....might be something to do with the mascot

I think the silver really sets it off - She came standard with the equipe model.:thumbsup2: