Just a Little Nervous


Boy Racer
I have a slight sense of fear as i have my assesment tonite for the grade of Shodan ( 1st dan)

i can still remember what my Shodan-Ho Grading was like:scared: :scared: :scared:
Good luck Dave, I'm sure you'll do it though!! Just focus on what you need to do and you'll be fine.

I remember my kickboxing 1st Dan grading, probably two of the toughest hours of my life! Felt like I was going to die for the last 20-30mins, but when it's done and you get called up to receive your grade, you'll feel like running a marathon! :tu

Keysi grading was probably worse though, thinking about it.....:scared:
Good luck mate :tu:

But you could save all the worry and stress and buy this from ebay


