Is the IOM TT now just too dangerous?


The Terminator
Well, I see two riders are now in critical condition following a crash at practice and two others were killed on Friday, is this race just going a step too far?

I don't know what to think, but always get sad when I hear of such unfortunate deaths. I know a lot of these guys would strongly argue against the clsoing of the event, but I still can't help think it's just a step too far.

I like bikes as much as the next guy and have had one, I just think it's not worth it anymore. The margain for error is miniscule.

What do others think?

I attended the Manx GP last year (i.e. the less serious event) and I believe the final body count was something like 6 riders killed. It really put a downer on watching the event as we watched loved ones wish their husbands/fathers/brothers well and then be devastated at the news of their demise. At least one rider every day seemed to die and most of them were experienced riders (i.e. 6 or 7 times Manx winners).

However it's so hard to say "let's stop the event' since it's such a centerpiece for the island and one of the remaining true 'spectacles' still left to watch in the UK.
If you do, then things like the NW200 will be next. I think that it is an individuals choice, and it is these days. 20 or even 10 years ago, riders would be told that they must ride the TT if they wanted a sponsor's bike for a season etc. It doesn't happen now.

The margin of error is small, but most ride at 80%, witness one of the corners on last year's TT, the only guy that looked close to the limit was John McG although many left dark lines on the exit.

Once it goes, it will never come back. In my book, that would be a tragedy. :(
It is very sad indeed....not sure how you can prevent accidents really...