Impressive Dreamliner flight (Farnboro)

That's not at Farnborough.
Climb is quite impressive, but with no passengers, cargo/luggage and light fuel load I expect it has good power to weight.
Still like to see this with a current plane

Impressive I guess, but when will they invent some proper quick super sonic passenger jets again?!

I can't believe we're in 2014 and don't even have a jet that can go as quick as one invented in the late 1960's!
Reminds me of a documentary I watched about Air Force One.

President Bush had surprised US troops in Iraq by flying in for Thanksgiving Dinner. Obv was all very hush hush and was only there a couple of hours. The Secret Service knew that they only had a very small time frame before word got out that Air Force One was sitting on the Tarmac At Baghdad Airport and will attract those with hand held rocket launchers to take it down.

When it came to take off, Bush asked at what height they would be out of range (5k ft for example) of hand held rockets. So the Captain opens the taps and launches it up in the air as steep as it can go, with that Bush is asking the cockpit "are we at 5k ft yet Jim?" every 20seconds

After the fifth time the Captain yells back "Mr President, it's a Boeing 747 not the fucking Space Shuttle!" :haha:
here is the real video


stunning !

impressively pathetic how it took 45+ years for designers to copy more features of nature's perfect design of wings.