How to kill 11 hours in Holyhead...Suggestions


King Kong
Collected a new truck from Manchester this morning at 10 am, after flying in from Dublin at 6.30.... Took my time heading for my 5pm ferry, even stopped off in Demon Tweeks to buy a few bits for one of my racecars... Arrived in Holyhead at 3.30 and they won't let me on the ferry cause the truck is too heavy............BASTARDS.

Now I've to wait til 3am in this armpit of Wales, Im the wrong side of customs/security etc so can't even get to a pub and on top of all that Im starving...Was holding off til I got on the boat for my complimentry meal!!!

So anybody got any suggestions on how to fill 10/11 hours in this god forsaken place??


:wall :wall :wall
shit barry, you are in hell
i have been there!
do they not sell any beer in there, lol
only other solution is sleep!

its such a kip isnt it!

Its got a crane on it....Contemplating picking up and reordering the cars qued up beside me!!

If I take it apart I'd have to get VST over...not so good on the putting stuff back together end of things!!!

Theres nothing open Richard.....Gonna make a run for Mc Donalds I think and then I might stop off in a local establishment for a drink or ten!! :)
mc d's been in there many a time..:rofl: :rofl:
as for the establishments.....good call, you need drink in holyhead
i remember being plastered in Pembroke dock when i had 7 hours to kill
I've almost done it....q-ing for ferry now!!

Sought refuge in the travel lodge.... got a few hours kip, shower, watched a bit of TV, recharged the lap top.....Never been so happy to get a room in a travellodge.. and all for 26 money i've ever spent!!!!
I've almost done it....q-ing for ferry now!!

Sought refuge in the travel lodge.... got a few hours kip, shower, watched a bit of TV, recharged the lap top.....Never been so happy to get a room in a travellodge.. and all for 26 money i've ever spent!!!!

Hourly rate?;)