High Net Worth Home Insurance


Ring Warrior
High Net Worth policies (HNW)

Policies will be tailored to meet specific insurance needs. Ticking boxes or feeding postcodes into a computer does not arrive at these policies. We recognise that every person will present an individual set of requirements and our products reflect this.

This is a selection of the excellent benefits that are available
with our tailored policies:

1. Free Client Manager visit by experts on most policies
2. Second and third homes (UK & worldwide)
3. Swimming pools, tennis courts, gardens, greenhouses and outbuildings
4. Accidental loss or damage
5. Alternative accommodation provided should the need arise
6. Trace and access cover
7. Annual worldwide travel insurance for all the family
8. Contents world-wide
9. Home office equipment
10. Pairs and sets replaced in full
11. New acquisitions covered from the moment of purchase for 20% of the sum insured
12. Legal expenses £100,000
13. Domestic Staff & their belongings
14. Death of an artist cover
15. Golfing extension (you can claim £500 for a round of drinks if you score a hole in 1 in an official competition)
16. Entry on the Art Loss Register
17. Garden Damage
18. 0% Interest on direct debit (full details on request)
19. Lifestyle Protection covers, including Identity fraud, stalking incidents and medical consultations.
20. Warranty free policy
21. Business property cover
22. Student cover
23. Cover for Marquees up to £10,000

These are just some of the features a specialist policy can cover

We are constantly monitoring what the other specialists do in the market to try and stay ahead of the game with the breadth of cover we offer.

The market leading insurer we currently use has just (November 06) enhanced there policy to stay well ahead of the competition, we have agreed further enhancements even to this latest revision.
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Just to elaborate on the warranty free aspect

How many of you have your home insurer dictate what you have to do with jewellery when you take it off.

Examples of warranties - applied to the all risks section

When not being worn it must be in an occupied room
When not being worn it must be kept in a bank safety deposit box or a pre approved safe

What happens if your wife leaves a ring in the kitchen window after washing her hands with those warranties ?
What happens if you go on holiday and want to leave jewellery in the safe in your room?

In short its not covered

We realise that the above scenarios are an every day occurrence - normally by accident so we issue a warranty free policy.

This also includes an alarm warranty - If your policy states whenever the home is left unattended the alarm must be put in to operation - What happens if you want to pop to the local shop and don’t want to find the pets to lock them away etc

Again the short answer is if you suffered a theft loss you would have trouble claiming

This is another scenario where our tailored policies can give you true piece of mind.
Is it a Zurich policy?

I like the golf extension thing!

Are you planning on a hole in one? :finger

Jez - do these policies make sense for houses worth about £0.5M, and can they be combined with car policies?
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Going to have to have a chat when my new house is completed (could be some time at the current rate !)
Based on some recent TV advertising by another insurer who claim that 50% of the claims paid would not be covered on a standard policy etc etc

Our contract still goes further and offers more cover than any other currently available - its an enhanced policy only available from a handful of brokers.


I take it that it is only "Bricks and Mortar" at the moment. When will the two get blended ?


Well I have a nice garage pretty much finished !

Basement done, but not much else at the moment :mad: made a few modifications to the plans (light wells to the basement and under garden tunnel to the pool building) that has caused a total re submission to the council - and they are slow !!

My target is to be in by this time next year - It could be done quicker but I would rather get it right than rush things - I want the place to be really special and if that means it's a bit slower than normal so be it !

It will be worth in in the long term i'm sure :D

So whose coming to by PGT house warming BBQ / pool party this time next year then ? :yeah: