Hammond Charity Ride: Anyone care to bid!

At the risk of sounding controversial.....

I think this charity stuff is getting a bit much tbh....

There are many many other more worth while causes in this world, one seemingly well off, and well known bloke has an accident (doing something overly risky for any stuntman, let alone a car reporter) and the whole country goes mad.

Slighlty misplaced priorities if you ask me:out

i think i'd rather feed the poor, or save some animlas myself:rolleyes:
Manthey Man said:
At the risk of sounding controversial.....

I think this charity stuff is getting a bit much tbh....

There are many many other more worth while causes in this world, one seemingly well off, and well known bloke has an accident (doing something overly risky for any stuntman, let alone a car reporter) and the whole country goes mad.

Slighlty misplaced priorities if you ask me:out

i think i'd rather feed the poor, or save some animlas myself:rolleyes:

Glenn, I hear what your saying.

The fact of the matter is, that the accident involving Richard Hammond has brought a few things to light. I for one was totally oblivious that the Air Rescue service wasn't Government funded but purely relied on public donations.

Personally I see it as an extremely worthy cause, if it's saving lives then it's of paramount importance. If it wasn't for Air Rescue involved in Hammond's accident then I doubt he would be making such excellent progress as he is now.
I am sorry to say that I am with Glen on this one. Yes, I accept that the air ambulance service is privately funded but in the grand scheme of things, it is just one worthy cause. For instance, the RNLI is totally privately funded. Now, I am sure we all wish the "Hamster" well, but I find this outpouring of charitable concionce a bit too much of a knee gerk reaction
Something is better than nothing. Would the person who has bid £430 for the auction have given it to RNLI instead? Probably not, so when people are in a mood for giving, it's best to take advantage of the moment to help a good cause.
It is probably right that if this money wasn't raised due to this reason then the money wouldn't be given at all. However, this is poor reflection on society today. Maybe we need some major celebrity (is The Hamster that?) to be rescued by the RNLI or somebody else to die of a curable cancer that needs research money or..........you get the picture!

Surely what is really needed is a more concerted effort raise money for good causes by those who are fortunate enough be able to make a small contribution. Maybe it's time for Pure GT to have, as part of its raison d'etre", an underlying theme of fund raising and each year we should choose a cause to support. After all, we are the fortunate ones.