Getting Ready For the Big Stuff


HI Guys

Just thought I would let you see a couple of the Hundred and Fifty Designs we have ready for the Bigger film arriving.

Current Update on Film supplies, Venture reputedly has 54" available Now and Avery are releasing one in the next 4 Weeks 3M we are still waiting for news on.

Now heres the rub if you need a job doing and you absolutely cannot live with even the small triangles I will do this in other film than 3M however I will NOT offer any warranty of any kind with these other films.

Mainly because I know what these films will do, If anyone wants to PM me I will send you information from other installers (here and in the US) to illustrate why.

You will still get our level of Service fit and design etc but as for the film you will be on your own. Otherwise we wait for 3M.

The choice as always is the clients, :)

Anyhoo here are a couple of the patterns 997 GT3 Rs and Boxster :)




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Just checking, as i thought there would be a reason for someone wanting to buy one with a V8 :D
HI Guys

Current Update on Film supplies, Venture reputedly has 54" available Now and Avery are releasing one in the next 4 Weeks 3M we are still waiting for news on.


I'm familiar with the Venture film (nice and flexy but too thin imho), but what's the Avery film like in comparison to 3M ?

Cheers -
HI The Avery Film is simialr to 3M SGH but a lot more orange peel, on the whole not a bad film, installs well looks reasonable when on the car (still needs its resilience to be proven over time).

The issue for us comes down primarily to aftercare, over time ALL films will get swirl marks and minor scratches from day to day use, at this time the 3M is the only one you can eradicate these on very easily. Both the other films lose gloss due to build up of surface scratches over time (I have many reports from the US on this).

Now if you flip your cars every six months this may not be an issue, but if you keep your cars longer, then this may prove a major headache to you (it would with our customers for sure).

Also at least one of these films is reported as having major QC issues with particles trapped between layers, adhesive shear and even mould forming in the adhesive (this last one could be unique to the Floridian Climate which is where the reports came from).

There is more but it would look like I am dissing these films (which I am truly not) but these are why we would not warranty them at this time (although I will fit them if a client insists).

Hope That Helps Ade


Heres another one, this one will require 60" film its for the S Class Merc, there a literally hundreds of these now waiting in the wings (pardon the pun) ready for this bigger film, latest update is Avery in two weeks at 54, 54 and 60" from 3m rumoured to be iminent but as I belive all film companies are liars :) I will believe it when I see it :)

We will keep adding patterns though :)#

Even done Leon Cupra and Fiat Grande Punto recently I have no Idea where this is going to end , oh and full front for a Phantom LOL




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