Exclusive Car Care: 2015 BMW i8


The owner of this new 2015 BMW i8 was determined to protect his investment, so booked it in for our ultimate protection package which consists of our Gtechniq CS Black New Car Protection Detail combined with our Ultimate Paint Protection Film.

The full write up on the work carried out with more photos can be seen on my website by clicking on any of the photos below or by CLICKING HERE


Thanks for looking
That looks stunning Jay. Amazing the improvement you can get on such a new car as well. I think the dealers valets do more damage than good!
Thanks Andy. To be honest the paint on this wasnt too bad and the damage that was present (buffer trials/holograms) would have came from the factory. In most cases the dealer valeters do make a mess of the paint when preparing a car.
Looks mega :tu

Will be after a quote for all this when I get my RS :tu

In fact, PM me a quote please.
That first picture shows how pretty the i8 can be when you don't see the the wanky cut-outs above the rear arches.