Evening in London Ideas ?



It dawned on me the other day that I havent been anywhere in the Lambo with the Missus in 6 months of ownership, so we have lined up a babysitter for tomorrow night and will venture into London for a spot of food somewhere.

As it is due to be a pleasant evening weather wise I am looking for somewhere where I can cruise into town, park the car up and eat in outdoor surroundings (hopefully within site of the bloody car so I know its safe!) - sad request I know, but can anyone recommend somewhere with safe parking outside maybe by the river that wont be rammed full of footy fans watching the England game where I can pull up, sit down and have a spot of scran and a nice glass of wine ?

Thanks in advance :)
Mosi, you want to get yourself to a restaurant called Rosmarino off Abbey Road in St. Johns Wood. Lovely part of London with no yobs, you can sit outside, a lovely italian restaurant with good wine and a good menu and a relaxed atmosphere. It's an elegant, classy place. You may be able to get parking right outside or 50 metres away on the main road, shouldn't be too much of an issue. It's not bang in the West End, but you won't get the footy fans (I hope) and you shouldn't get the car scratched or spat on.
Sounds ideal Anis, thanks :)

Any other ideas/options Peeps ? .... we do like sushi, are there any sushi bars near the Thames other than the Yo Sushi (which is crap commercialised sushi) by the London Eye ?

Any of the restaurants on the main street in Primrose Hill - very civilised.

Re sushi, how about Itsu on Walton Street (it's hardly upmarket but there is a nice bar upstairs and there'll probably be at least 6 Lambos within spitting distance), or if you want to go a little upmarket Ubon in Canary Wharf is next to the river with Valet parking.

If you can get in, then an excellent place to go with the other half is Poule au Pot off Pimlico Road - extremely romantic, you'll be able to park outside without too much trouble. It's a nightmare to get a reservation however, the trick is to get a french lady to ring up on your behalf and beg - usually works!

what about joints in the city of london.........

easy to park and most of the places are very nice, although the bars will be jammed, butnothing like the west end...
A couple of excellent Japanese restaurants that you could look at which are more in the West End are Zuma in Knightsbridge which has a fantastic bar and does great mojitos. Parking is a pain there though but you will have a few other exotica nearby. Excellent food as well. Or Sumosan on Dover Street is great as well and the Gallardo won't look out of place there either but parking will be a pain. Neither of those places will allow you to sit outside and are not exactly chilled but very cool. As Roger pointed out Ubon is supposed to be great and I've been meaning to go but I don't do that area of London well as I live more West and I don't do south of the river well either as I can't be arsed to dig out my passport. Your "outdoor surroundings" criteria is not easy bang in Central London. Primrose Hill is lovely as Roger pointed out, there is a very romantic place called Odettes there but could be tough to get a booking. If you want to push the boat out in style, you could do Foliage in the Mandarin Oriental in Knightsbridge, I'm sure they will have valet parking and while it's not outside if you get the right table you'll have a great view of Hyde Park and the wine list is superb.
There's a Mcdonalds just off of the Hanger lane roundabout, it even has a drive through, so not only can you see your car, you can eat in it:)
Manthey Man said:
There's a Mcdonalds just off of the Hanger lane roundabout, it even has a drive through, so not only can you see your car, you can eat in it:)

He wouldnt reach the serving hatch? :D
Maxine said:
He wouldnt reach the serving hatch? :D

lol and I doubt the back end would get though too well either :p

When we go into town we always park in Selfridges car park and get a taxi.

Sadly I don't have a single good restaurant I'd be happy to recommend :eek:
Well, we had a spiffing evening out in London last night thanks Chaps.

We ended up in a couple of bars (cant remember the names) then Itsu in Soho, which although nice, wasnt really what I'd call authentic japanese sushi (its more westernised sushi to suit western conservative tastes IMHO).

Parked up at the secure NCP on Brewer street (the one with security guards on the gates) as always - so no hassles there. Has anyone else used this car park and noticed the red Fezza 360 Spyder with the reg DISC J on it ? .... he appears to have a 575 Superamerica now - I wonder which DJ it belongs too ? - the car is parked here 24x7!