Embedded Software design question


Boy Racer
What's the hourly rate (sales) for a Software Engineer and a Sr. Software Engineer for embedded applications in the UK currently ?
That question is a bit to generic to give a proper answer Andre

Send me your CV and I will tell you what you are worth over here.
Mosi said:
That question is a bit to generic to give a proper answer Andre

Send me your CV and I will tell you what you are worth over here.

Erm... my CV is so long it won't fit in your mailbox... :p :finger :scared: It's not about me anyway :) well not directly at least. I haven't been writing software for a long time, morphed into entrepeneur.. :rolleyes: :out

It's more of a generic question to get a feeling for pricelevels in the UK compared to those over here. Software engineer would be fresh out of university, sr. sw eng. would have say 5 yrs. relevant experience. Would that be of help ? :)
I reckon it could be anything from £350-£750 a day depending on experience and sector you have or would work in....
If it was more a specific role in a specific sector then maybe more...
Interesting. Companies like Philips appear to work with that lower limit over here; prices have been under pressure since they've moved a lot of work towards India.
Andre said:
Erm... my CV is so long it won't fit in your mailbox... :p :finger :scared: It's not about me anyway :) well not directly at least. I haven't been writing software for a long time, morphed into entrepeneur.. :rolleyes: :out

It's more of a generic question to get a feeling for pricelevels in the UK compared to those over here. Software engineer would be fresh out of university, sr. sw eng. would have say 5 yrs. relevant experience. Would that be of help ? :)

Andre, a REALLY long CV wont help your plight either - Clients hate long cv's, believe it or not it puts them off!....get it down to 4 pages max - abbreviate a lot of the older stuff (say 5 years ago and more) as it prob wont be that relevant anyway with the constant changes in technology.

A software engineer fresh out of Uni will have no commercial experience I would assume, therefore would find it very hard to get into the contracting sector at first. This person would be best off getting a permanent job for say 12 months first, in order to get some commercial exposure in the field. Permanent jobs could sway from £25k - £40k for a fresh faced applicant (if you could give me an idea of which embedded programming language/s this person knows then this would help with some specifics.)

Software Engineer with 5 years exp would be offered anywhere between £300-600 per day based in where the work is / length of contract etc etc. Again, you havent stipulated which software programming experience you have (other than just embedded) therefore without knowing this it is difficult to gauge how 'saleable' your current skillset / experience is.

In case you are mis-understanding Andres situation, the reason his CV is so long is that he owns the company, that works multi-nationally in very sophisticated electronics and he employs quite a few people. He looking as this because he wants to cost employees, not because he needs a job.............

Guy said:

In case you are mis-understanding Andres situation, the reason his CV is so long is that he owns the company, that works multi-nationally in very sophisticated electronics and he employs quite a few people. He looking as this because he wants to cost employees, not because he needs a job.............


Quite right, thanks Guy :)
Guy said:

In case you are mis-understanding Andres situation, the reason his CV is so long is that he owns the company, that works multi-nationally in very sophisticated electronics and he employs quite a few people. He looking as this because he wants to cost employees, not because he needs a job.............


Thats great Guy, maybe he could be a little clearer in his first post in future then eh :)

Anyway Andre, its a pleasure - anytime!
Mosi said:
Thats great Guy, maybe he could be a little clearer in his first post in future then eh :)

Anyway Andre, its a pleasure - anytime!

He could have done that should he have known that that question would have been unclear for some.. :wall ;)

Thanks for the answer btw, the rates appear to be slightly higher.
Mosi said:
Thats great Guy, maybe he could be a little clearer in his first post in future then eh :)

Anyway Andre, its a pleasure - anytime!


He is Dutch, so English is not his main langauage. Sometimes he's hard to understand, although thats usually when he's shouting at Germans through the sunroof of my car at the 'ring 24 Hrs (remember Henry :) )
Guy said:

He is Dutch, so English is not his main langauage. Sometimes he's hard to understand, although thats usually when he's shouting at Germans through the sunroof of my car at the 'ring 24 Hrs (remember Henry :) )

I can remember more hilareous moments... :whistling: :ziplip: :angel: ;)