Damon, is this stuff any good, and can you get any please ???

I have some and put it on customers cars. It does bring a bit more shine and some initial protection.

But overall I am not convinced by wheel waxes claims. Its just the temps the wheels themselves get to, then the heat from the brakes and the temp of the brake/road dust.

When I detailed your car Glenn I put two coats of Klasse Sealant Glaze on them and that has not really helped then I can't see a wax achieving better protection than an acrylic sealant.

My advice is to stick to cleaning them with Virisol regularly.

A track wheel will over time become pitted and marked you can't avoid it. Because of the high temps particles burn through the lacquer and bond with the paint and/or alloy. Any removal of this will leave a damaged surface.

I had to have my wheels refurbed recently, it was the only way to return them to A1 condition.

I have to agree with you regarding wheel waxes, none that I've tried work any better than any of the others. It's going to be a case of washing them often and making sure brake dust doesn't stay adhered to the wheels longer than they should.

How does PTFE stick to a finished alloy wheel? Must be that marketing product that helps! :D

I'm using this at the moment, cheap, easy to apply....


.....and actually got a good review, not bad stuff in all honesty!
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