Cycled the Ring

Glenn Mc

Staff member
While at a public weekend at the Ring just gone, Simon M
and I hired a couple of mountain bikes, and
cycled the waymarked cycle path around the

The route is 28km long, and takes you along many parts
of the Rings perimeter paths (not all of them) and
also takes in some of the fields and farms adjacent to
the circuit too.

The bikes can be hired from a bike shop very near the
Bridge in Adenau for 12.5 euros each, and although
they are nothing special, they are more than up to the

The downside of hiring from here, is that you are at
one of the lowest parts of the ring (if not THE
lowest) which means your ride starts with a tough hill
climb either way you go.
We decided to go the same way as the track, as i think
the tracks are only marked one way. This meant we we
straight into the Long hard slog up along
Kesselschlen, all the way up to Hohe Acht.

The route also takes in the 33% hill climb (used for
tank testing during the war) which short cuts from the
right before the Karussell, straight up to Hohe acht
itself, which nearly gave me a heart attack to be
honest, as it is so steep, that i was struggling to
keep the front wheel on the ground...

We stopped at wipperman to watch an amature race that
was on Saturday morning with co drivers, (including a
very well driven Carrera GT) and then carried on with
the rest of the circuit, which weaves under and around
the ring, and out into some fields and back again.

The route takes you across the bridge at Tiergarten
(the one you would start your Bridge to Gantry time)
and this road leads up to The Pistonklause hotel.

We then stopped at the top of the Foxhole (Fuchshore),
just at the end of Aremburg, and watch some more of
the racing. Just as we were about to leave, a 996RS
came screaming to the side of the track, the passenger
door was thrown open, and the co driver started
chucking their guts up, as other cars were screaming
past them !!! Then, door shut closed again, and the
car went screaming off....
After there, the track goes int a wonderful forest
section, with some great technical single track, and
downhills, followed by some steep uphills.

You come out by the track again near the miss, hit
miss corner before the chicane above Breidscheide
(can't remember name), then it,s down hill again into

All in all, a great day out, and well worth seeing the
track from different areas, which really makes you
appreciate the gradients...

It took us around 3 hours with stops and pics etc, but
i think it could be done in under 2 hours if you were
pressing on a bit.

Couple of pics attached.

Well worth it if you are over there with some time on
your hands.






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    cycle ring 2.jpg
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  • ring cycle 1.jpg
    ring cycle 1.jpg
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Good man Glen, however while you were doing this we walked to an ATM in Adenau and back for our excercise.....oh, ahem, we actually parked in Adenau too....:rolleyes:
Looks like great fun, I wouldnt mind doing that Myself Glenn

One thing though.....?

Why does Simon look normally dressed and you look like a bit of a bell end (a sort of fusion of Doctor Spock and a ballet dancer with swimming goggles on?)
Is that better for you ?

Not really!.....if Glenn turned up dressed like that and started slithering up and down a pole whilst undressing himself and waving his walnuts in my direction, I would not frequent that particular lappy bar ever again :finger

note to self:

Don't post pics of yourself on this forum, as they WILL be used as evedence against you:wall