CSL 7:53 with holdups

No fuss or drama, looks very smooth. No squealing, sliding, over or understeer.
It is deceptively quick. You watch that and wonder what all the fuss is about.

It says that it is a standard car.
I have changed my opinion of late, and decided that standard cars are not too shabby, there is a lot of performance in them if you can drive them well enough.
I think the temptation to over drive them, plus add go faster bits, needs to be resisted.
Exactum Polar

Some fo the ring guys need to save that one and study, one of the best laps from an in car I've seen, well impressed


I wouldn't like to try mounting some of the kerbs he does, I might forget which to mount and more importantly which ones I shouldn't :eek:
I wouldn't like to try mounting some of the kerbs he does, I might forget which to mount and more importantly which ones I shouldn't :eek:

I noticed there are only 3/4 the driver takes, and for good reason, he/she was setting the car up for the next one.

I did a few Ring 24 hrs back in the 80's, after reading all the stuff on here I would lke to have another crack

I avoided all the kerbs.
In general I think this is a good stragegy, although I think Wipperman needs some and the exit from Brunnchen tends to get some as the car drifts out wide.

I think the ring taxi stuff makes people thing you shoud drive like a hooligan whereas the opposite is true.
He makes that look VERY easy !

Doesn't look like a sub 8min lap - but obiously it is

Like the best drivers he looks so relaxed at the wheel
Nice lap, considering the areas he had to slow. Was brave from Aremberg to the Foxhole. Guys, just to put a bit of perspective on this, a CSL can do 7.20-ish BTG with a pro driver. The reason you are all swooning is that it looks like a lowly 3 series. But it ain't.

Need to video Bennett in one.
7:53 Bridge to Gantry (BTG) so add 25-30 seconds (for a fast car) to do the 'Grun Holle' straight makes it 8:17-8:23 for a full lap...
kerbs are killers and wreck cars.

2 guys I know done FW bearings and driveshafts on their DRTs.

only one I tend to take is the one in the middle of the hatzenbach like the CSL does and the one on the entry to the wipperman...but only if in a straight line and bone dry!!