Court gives up on ‘speeding’ driver who made a fuss

Read about this in the Times earlier today.

Although I hate speed traps, I am a little concerned about the principle.
This type of thing has happened before.

The law should be about principles. Cases should be brought based upon whether a crime has been committed.
Once prosecutions are decided by how much hassle they cause, then the basic principle of right and wrong is lost.

I am not sure a crime has been committed, but the point is that it is for the court to decide, not some bean counter.
It said 37 in the Times.

That's more than 20% over the speed limit, 7 mph isn't much but quite a considerable amount in a 30 zone. Taking into account calibration errors etc, he must have still been over the speed limit.

There's one thing I hate more than scameras is stupid old fools are harp on about 'I've never speeded in my life' what bullshit!