Possibly one of the most particular customers I've worked for... even his peddles were wrapped in cling film so he didn't mark or dirty them when driving and the footwell carpets were all shrink wrapped still.
This job was done a couple of days before the autumn AMOC concours event.
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This was one of the last 20 Vanquish S produced although it didnt get the 'Ultimate' badge as it was painted in 'Ferrari Grigio Titanium'
The whole car was polished using the Meguairs MF DA polishing system although the roof and the boot needed stepping up to the rotary and a heavier cutting compound to get the marks out. Every panel was then refined and given an IPA wipe down to remove polishing oils.
The car was then given 2 coats of Zymol Vintage wax, glass cleaned, tyres dressed, wheels sealed.
Although it was already in great condition the owner was very happy with the new depth and clarity given to the paint.
This job was done a couple of days before the autumn AMOC concours event.
As always you can follow us on

This was one of the last 20 Vanquish S produced although it didnt get the 'Ultimate' badge as it was painted in 'Ferrari Grigio Titanium'
The whole car was polished using the Meguairs MF DA polishing system although the roof and the boot needed stepping up to the rotary and a heavier cutting compound to get the marks out. Every panel was then refined and given an IPA wipe down to remove polishing oils.
The car was then given 2 coats of Zymol Vintage wax, glass cleaned, tyres dressed, wheels sealed.
Although it was already in great condition the owner was very happy with the new depth and clarity given to the paint.
