CAD design

Alice R.

Boy Racer
Can someone give me an idea what software package would be suitable for drawing engine parts for example ?

Thanks in advance
Can someone give me an idea what software package would be suitable for drawing engine parts for example ?

Thanks in advance

AutoCAD would be the no brainer (certainly the 'big bucks' solution) choice, however there are a number of others out there that offer CAD capabilities depending on the design work ie. dedicated building CAD systems, curved CAD, 2D only etc etc

Have a look at TurboCAD, RealCAD for a start, they aren't cheap though :(

There's Open-Source alternatives (FreeCAD) cropping up but they aren't at all close to the professional level yet.

Hope this helps!
We use Solid Works which is approx 4k as a CAD package.

We also, although not purely CAD, use Alias and MasterCam for which both have great carry over qualities into the actual machining that we ultimately require. Alias however is 21k per seat ! and mastercam 9k per seat !

A good package that we have come across and played with which can do 90-95% of everything that we need is "1 CNC", this is far more reasonable at around 1.5k.

Autocad will fit the bill. W've certainly done some 2d manufacture from it (lazer profile for vectra parts), and I'm pretty sure it'll do full 3d modelling for cnc work too.

If its not for commercial use, you can (or could when one of our guys did recently) get a copy of the latest version from ebay including a license-decoder (or whatever its called) for £15 ! We paid £3.4k for the exact same thing ! :cry

I don't know what Honda in Louth use, but can find out if you wish ?
We have just binned AutoCad after god knows how many years and moved to 3d solid works. It is soooo much quicker, helpful with customers and suppliers. We have about 15 seats now.
