BBC defends Top Gear

With nowt better to do... I bet these are the same people who do the non-police speed safety checks on the side of the road!!!
ADJ said:

Hover over the picture, to what its called ;) :evil:

The chap on the right is holding a hair dryer... They annoy me so much.:wall :wall

The sort of do-gooders who are ruining this country.:(
whats the point? :rolleyes:

The people spending time on complaining on stuff like this should really spend their energy trying to do something useful instead.. :confused:
Nat_H said:
These tw*ts

I saw two guys like this in a village very close to where I live, needless to say I just dropped a cog and used the loud pedal to give them the pure sound of a PSE, they turned around and nearly fell off the kerb!!!! :evil:
damian said:
I saw two guys like this in a village very close to where I live, needless to say I just dropped a cog and used the loud pedal to give them the pure sound of a PSE, they turned around and nearly fell off the kerb!!!! :evil:

I wish I would come across them, as I might stop, and redline it next to them, and my car is LOUD.

Has anyone every stopped and asked them why they do it?
Nat_H said:
I wish I would come across them, as I might stop, and redline it next to them, and my car is LOUD.

Has anyone every stopped and asked them why they do it?

You would def give them a heart attack.
and then they would waste more money whilst being in hospital.

Why dont they do normal stuff?
I have a JP who works with me as a consultant and just debated this issue of do-gooders. Tw@ts indeed, and falling for the Government line of 'speed is the current largest menance to society (above crime, external wars, nuclear proliferation etc)'. If the Government had employed a totally independant analysis of speed limits and come up with logically defendable conclusions (like one speed limit for clapped out bangers driven by 17 year olds on dark, wet, full motorways and another for trained drivers of performance vehicles on empty, clear motorways with excellent visability), I wouldn't mind. It is the patronising 'it is for your own good' which winds me up.

Agreed on the PSE, lofting the front wheel on the gixer coupled to the yoshi exhaust noise does the same as my std ST exhaust is a bit weak!