Avoiding SPECS.....

Interesting response..

I would love to see the governments reaction, if, for 1 week, every driver in the UK obeyed the speed limit.

The government would absolutly panic knowing how much fine revenue they had lost for the 1 week!

It is in the governmnets financal interest that we speed and break the law, just as it's in their interest that people smoke. Tax, Tax, Tax

Don't speed = no money for Tony B
It's good to know....but I wouldn't push it.....

If this sort of crap carries on there will be protests outside SCS (who make the systems) just like the animal activists do outside animal testing labs...
Had this one from Adam at beatthespeedtrap a couple of weeks ago. Anyone got a clean licence and prepared to try it in the name of research and cameraderie?
Its quiet logical really...

As calibration of a device is a prerequisite to evidence being used how can they possibly use evidence from two different cameras? They cannot guarantee the synchronisation between the two devices, therefore they cannot use the evidence.
Interesting response..

I think all the car magazines should get together and start publicising "keep to the speed limit week" just to stuff the Government for say the first week in December or the first Monday of each month! That would definately have an affect on revenues collected.

With regard to specs cameras. We do need a guinea pig to try this out. Lets start a fund where we all chip in say £1 each. The person who is guinea pig gets the pot. hehe

I think all the car magazines should get together and start publicising "keep to the speed limit week" just to stuff the Government for say the first week in December or the first Monday of each month! That would definately have an affect on revenues collected.

With regard to specs cameras. We do need a guinea pig to try this out. Lets start a fund where we all chip in say £1 each. The person who is guinea pig gets the pot. hehe


Are you volunteering Bina?