Another newbie


Boy Racer
First post so be gentle !

Been lurking for a couple of weeks to get a feel of the place before jumping in with both feet, but thought I'd better say hello before getting booted out !!

Know a few of the guys from 911uk, and look forward to getting to know the rest and joining in the general banterment on here :)

Car-wise I have a 993 C2, and also an Audi A4 cab as a DD (but don't hold that against me - the wife wanted it!)

Speak to you all soon :beers:
Welcome - don't let the cab embarrass you - Moz used to have an Audi cab ergo they must be cool :finger
Clipstone do me a favour, and turn the lights off in 911Uk when you leave next time:finger :)
How much for Milton Keynes Heathrow return? Or is that not the type of cab you meant....?:confused:

I'll get me coat

BTW, welcome.:)


Pete, stick to engineering mate, it's for the best , really:finger

Welcome clipstone:) don't let these bad jokes frighten you off :D:D:D:D