650s Sprint


Customers can also specify a 'computational fluid dynamics' package, which adds more aerodynamic bodywork including a carbonfibre rear wing and new front splitter.

"Customers can tick a box that gives the proper aero kit rather than the one from Halfords parts bin..

Why the fuck would you build a car that pertains to be of the race track..[ i.e. an environment not remote from the needs of aerodynamics ] and then have a option that gives the real stuff?? Its just so insulting to the idiots on their mailing list.

"Customers can tick a box that gives the proper aero kit rather than the one from Halfords parts bin..

Why the fuck would you build a car that pertains to be of the race track..[ i.e. an environment not remote from the needs of aerodynamics ] and then have a option that gives the real stuff?? Its just so insulting to the idiots on their mailing list.

you could not make this lot up........even for them....I know 3 people that have brought the 12c sprint in the past 3 months, that were told that there would not be a 650 version....

"Customers can tick a box that gives the proper aero kit rather than the one from Halfords parts bin..

Why the fuck would you build a car that pertains to be of the race track..[ i.e. an environment not remote from the needs of aerodynamics ] and then have a option that gives the real stuff?? Its just so insulting to the idiots on their mailing list.

Here you go Phil. A road car that is made to be a road car and nothing else.
Yeah Laurent if I was ever inclined to spend on a big money car it would be a Lambo - lovely looking, sound good and better for no motorsport pretentions
D ... Go and tell them on mc life a Spyder version out in 6 months. Some of those guys are comical.
If I was a mac customer and bought into all the BS i'd be pretty pissed off at this stage to the point of never, ever buying another.
D ... Go and tell them on mc life a Spyder version out in 6 months. Some of those guys are comical.

ok, you are one arnt you....picking on the afflicted...that mickey B, must walk round with his PC, strapped to his head on sentry duty....
Yeah Laurent if I was ever inclined to spend on a big money car it would be a Lambo - lovely looking, sound good and better for no motorsport pretentions

I think that is my all time fav car, there is a mint yellow on at the next Silverstone auction...

its just perfection isn't it. I will never fit, so maybe one day, i'd just get one on the cheap without running gear, and place it in my living room. not THAT is art. one day.