3M Buy Ventureshield



I could pretend I didnt know this was on the cards (I wont on here) Glad I am not a Venture dealer tonight, Guess the smart ones will be giveing me a call monday,

Juries out on what they are going to do with the PPF side but given what I know about whats been happenning in VS I would be stunned if they retain the program much beyond purchase time.

Not a risk I would be going to take as a consumer or a dealer of theirs right now, I would prepare for the inevitable were it me :)



I could pretend I didnt know this was on the cards (I wont on here) Glad I am not a Venture dealer tonight, Guess the smart ones will be giveing me a call monday,

Juries out on what they are going to do with the PPF side but given what I know about whats been happenning in VS I would be stunned if they retain the program much beyond purchase time.

Not a risk I would be going to take as a consumer or a dealer of theirs right now, I would prepare for the inevitable were it me :)



It was inevitable to happen. 3M like all big multi-nationals, especially those in the US, when threatened, go for the "buy out", it's safer for them than all out war (which like Iraq, they ain't too good at !).

The VentureShield product is the superior product IMO and in 3M's, or else they would not have bothered !

Once purchased and branded as a 3M product, I will be happy at long last to buy from the same supplier as you as I will say that VS are complete sh*t at client support.

Maybe 3M will take a better stance on this ?

Give me a call once the buy-out is complete and we can get together and bang heads about the "Numpy's" who continue to mess-up what it is we strive to achieve greatness at (be it with 3M, VS, Avery of jst sticky back plastic for speed !).

I can show you how to apply it and you can give me some templates !

HI Nick they didnt buy it for the PPF (they dont need it and we will continue to disagree about VS) :)

They Bought it for their industrial products, Ducttape especially as thats where their core market is, rumours have persisted that due to quality issues the PPF side was bleeding masses of cash and even Brett apparently knew nothing about this (he should have rung me lol).

I will make a tenner bet with you right here and now that the film will be history within 12 months and the plant will be switched to making 3M 60" products (including the new B series film) some of the guys will recall I said that 3M had the matter in hand just couldnt say exactly when.

This has been whispered about for some months to anyone who was wired in on either side of this issue.

As with all mergers all the useful people at VS on the common products side will be at home typing their CV and by the end of 12 months this film program will be IMHO consigned as a footnote in history (where it belongs imho)

The smart operators will prepare for the inevitabe and will start switching programs pretty soon, thats the benefit of a film independent pattern program because as I always say you trust ANY film company as a businessman at your utmost peril.

I have to say knowing a lot more of the facts I am pretty chuffed that this has finally broken cover I have been dying to say something on this one for ages LOL



To be be fair, you clearly live this issue far more than I.

I'll take the bet with you though as for only a tenn(o)r (dead or not - sorry Pete), it's worth a punt !

If in a years time I am fitting your stuff (albeit with the look of VS), then you can say "I told you so".


To be be fair, you clearly live this issue far more than I.

I'll take the bet with you though as for only a tenn(o)r (dead or not - sorry Pete), it's worth a punt !

If in a years time I am fitting your stuff (albeit with the look of VS), then you can say "I told you so".


Yeah you have to when it is your core business, as you know its all we do :)

Wouldnt say that nick not to you there are a couple of others who I will enjoy watching what this will do to them though (mainly the numpties we have discussed) This is very good news for people like you and I overall.



To be be fair, you clearly live this issue far more than I.

I'll take the bet with you though as for only a tenn(o)r (dead or not - sorry Pete), it's worth a punt !

If in a years time I am fitting your stuff (albeit with the look of VS), then you can say "I told you so".


I have two cars running around on blind test with the new B Series film, the concern I have with this will be its suitability as with all single ply films for European Roads, 3M are usually (not always, pretty good on QC and testing so it may be ok) I have it in the Sill areas on these cars and will be interested to see how they look when they come up for a service If they have the same issues as all NON clearcoats. I should know soon enough and should be asked to replace them. Be intersesting to see what happens (been on test 3 Months now), if you are going to Sema you will probably see it there. It is on mass market release already in the Calgary area in Canada I understand right now and is the MAIN reason I believe the VS film program will probably go as it appeared about the time we heard approaches had been made to VS :)

If you want to see it come over to our place and I can show it to you (its the only example outside the US right now :)
